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How man can prove God exists.

I am a theist but I like to discuss with atheists how and why they became atheists, and I welcome atheists to discuss with me how and why I am a theist - all like as we are friends.

Why do I come to an atheists' forum, because sooner than later I always get banned in theists' forums.

So, perhaps I will stay indefinitely in your forum - and I like that very much!
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DocSavage · M
I always found the description of god to be too impractical to be considered realistic.
Theist like to bring up the argument that creation needs a creator. But of course god is the exception to the rule. Why would god create such an confused and inefficient universe ? We live in a nice little planet, sure. But outside of it is fatal. We can’t live or interact with any others. Then of course there’s the question of what inspired a spiritual being to create a material universe in the first place. God could have made us in any shape or form. Put us on any planet, regardless of conditions. We’re obviously adapted to the environment we grew up in. A spiritual being like god, would have no reason for human features, unless he lived in a like environment, which in turn would have to been created for him.
There is then the obvious question of why ? Any agenda god could have would , and could be incorporated into the design at the onset. So, it’s unlikely part of some long range plan.
There is simply nothing a god can give us that we would not achieve in time, which is the case .
God’s only value is in the afterlife. And I really don’t see that happening.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
how could an unquided natural force have produced humans who traveled to the moon and came back to earth?

Would you like me to take you through the (really very simple) process by which that happened?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger No?
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@yrger I am not angry and disgruntled. I love my life and my family, I am a truly happy person.
Imsleepy · 31-35
I became an atheist when I read the Bible and applied scientific knowledge to the claims it makes. It’s easily refuted.
DocSavage · M
1) the fact the universe exist, is proof only that it is here. The background radiation, and the expanding suggests the Big Bang . But do not explain what preceded it.
2) whatever set off the Big Bang , only needed to do so once. Continued existence is not necessary to the equation, nor is intent .
3) even if an entity were responsible for creation. There is no reason for it to be aware or interested in any human affairs. Or aware of our existence. For that matter. The universe is very big, Earth is very small.
4) personal opinion is worthless. If god could exist, it is not necessarily by any means or reasons within human understanding.

In short, you don’t know Jack shit. One way or the other.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
(a) permanent existence, (b) transient existence.

How do you arrive at that?

Remove spacetime and the concepts of transient and permanent disappear
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@newjaninev2 My feelings exactly.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Is God willing to prevent evil, but unable? Then He is not omnipotent.
Is He able but not willing? Then He is malevolent.
Is He willing and able, then whence cometh evil?
If He is neither able nor willing, why call him God? -Epicurus
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
the woman who used to come here is no longer living here. left for Vegas. Why i don't know. and get a life. nobody quotes scriptures anymore, unless they are mentally withered

I only asked the question because you had said that you had read the Bible a couple of times. IMO, that is just reading a lot of words. The Bible is a very complex book that uses a ton of metaphors and hidden references. That is why it takes a lot of time to make sense of the stories. That's why it's a good idea to engage in open discussions with a variety of people because you might be exposed to a new view that you can explore to gain more understanding of the issue.

I had trouble with algebra because I never discussed it with other kids. If I had, maybe one of them would have been able to explain a concept I was having difficulty understanding. That would have helped me a lot.

The more discussions you have with people you disagree with, the more skillful and proficient you become in presenting your own convincing argument. So, take advantage of every opportunity to further develop your skills because you never know when you will really need them.

Are you willing?
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Logically through observation, rationalization, reason, etc. The common sense tools we use to make sense of the world that all of livelihood is generally based on, reason

And I would warn you that not every atheist is a true and consistent atheist who structures their system of beliefs on principles. Some just do not want God to exist and will deny any and all principles they rely on and deny reason. So beware of that
Lynda70 · F
@sexyjigsaw Before we go any further, I'd like you to explain why you believe there must be a creator.
Lynda70 · F
@sexyjigsaw Where have Atheist resorted to special pleading? This is my last reply to you until you offer your explantion. Right now it seems you're just trolling.
@Lynda70 I'm disappointed in how domineering you are. You refused to explain or substantiate your own claim(s) and then assume I told you there must be a creator. How did you come to such a conclusion when I've been asking you to reason with me? This tells me you're not even engaged in our conversation. You're truly anti-God but to a seemingly unhealthy extent.

Where have Atheist resorted to special pleading?
I can talk only about this conversation and others I have had. Not on behalf of all atheists.
If you really want me to go further, I can explain but you don't seem interested in a fair exchange format of a conversation. Let me know when you will address and substantiate your beliefs and claims and I'll answer anything you would like, so long as we continue on fair grounds

As a further courtesy, I will still answer and aay that part of the reason I believe in a creator is the fact that this universe could not have come about from nothing. This will unwind to you challenging this statement with:
Nothing like it. If one claims nothing can come from nothing, one is left unable to explian how everything started.

Requiring you to go back to explaining how this is the case. You said that it could come from nothing even before then when I was warning you about blindly having faith in some belief and still had yet to substantiate your claim then. The floor is yours to continue this conversation or to end it

I need answers too
Elessar · 26-30, M
I've just asked it to prove its existence by materializing cheese on my desk, and it didn't happen.

An "all good, all powerful, all knowledgeable" God would've 100% made the cheese appear.

Either it doesn't exist or it doesn't fit the description.

Next question
Elessar · 26-30, M
@basilfawlty89 isn't that more like dick butter?
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Elessar in the parlance of the Queen's English, we call it "dick cheese".
Elessar · 26-30, M
@autumngirl27 Isn't him all knowing? He doesn't need me to specify
DocSavage · M
I know where and what I orginated from:
"Something that is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not itself."
Actually, there are plenty of you, who believe that the universe was created be some eternal being , with no beginning or end. Some of you even give him a name , Allah, Vinishu, Yahweh, etc. You are hardly original in your beliefs. You are also, very evasive on details. Earlier I asked you what features your god has. You never gave me an answer.
Why, for example dose god have to be “ permanent” ?
Once the mechanism is started, is god need to keep it going ?
Was the universe designed with a purpose in mind ?
In what manner dose god “ operate “ mankind ?
Assuming, god’s methods aren’t mechanical, how did he get his powers ?
It seems unlikely that such a being could himself be “unplanned”

You’re very confident that your concept of god is sensible, but as I stated before, an self aware, intelligent creator god, is completely impractical.
But, you are obviously unwilling to discuss that little detail, aren’t you ?
With respect to the god of the Bible, I became convinced while reading it that this was a very human work of mythologized history and outright fiction. I discerned nothing of the divine in its content or scope.

I'm an atheist in general because i have not come across any evidence or argument which is sufficient for me to accept the claim that gods exist.

As for your question, i don't know how man could prove that god exists. God could, if it exists....but evidently it has chosen not to...or of course just doesn't exist which explains the silence more parsimoniously.


Are you under the impression that i've given any reason to suppose i am not an atheist?
I think you're referring to your argument that capitalizing "Bible" means i endorse the veracity of the mythology contained therein.
I have explained the error of this argument and you have not produced a rebuttal so you have necessarily conceded that point.

If you are referring to something else which you feel suggests i am not an atheist then you'll have to clarify it for me.

This is surely the most absurd, petty criticism i have heard in some time....and i am HERE for it!🤣
Keep it coming!
This message was deleted by its author.

For the same reason you are pretending to have a wet pair of mittens in place of a brain?😜
You would also need to take into account pagan beliefs; many of which are many thousands of years older than christianity, judaism or islam.
yrger · 80-89, M
jackieash says:
You would also need to take into account pagan beliefs; many of which are many thousands of years older than christianity, judaism or islam.

Hi Jack, today mankind has already established a lot of facts and truths about things, everything, including DNA which is called the language of god.

So, and forgive me, no need to study multi-millennial years of man's ancient ideas and practices, even though they already had ideas about god and death and etc etc etc - unless of course you are an antiquarian.

Best regards.
@yrger Can you tell me then, why there were pagan beliefs in Britain long before "christianity" arrived on these shores?

And the name is Jackie.
yrger · 80-89, M
@redredred Hi all atheists.

I am Yrger, and I am addressing this post to all atheists:

"There are three ways man comes to know the existence of god:

1. By man's intelligence and his rational faculty and his reasoning process.
2. By reading the Bible for Christians and Orthodox Jews, and the Koran for Muslims.
3. By meditation.

I know god exists by the No. 1 way.

Very briefly:
a. Man is a transient entity i.e. he is here today and then after some years of life like as much as 90 years plus, he dies.
b. The transient existence of man inevitably implicates the existence of god as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.
c. So, we are the evidence for the existence of god.
d. Therefore god exists.

You atheists are denying the existence of the biblical god.

Here is my definition of god grounded on man's intelligence and his rational faculty and his reasoning process:
God is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not god Himself.

I didn't come to that definition of god by searching the bible.

Suppose you take a break from the bible, and employ your intelligence and rational faculty and reasoning process: to examine god as defined above (reproduced below):
"God is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not god Himself."

Then you will update and upgrade your concept of god.
redredred · M
@yrger you believe in superstitious Bronze Age crap. Your scripture is a laughable collection of nonsense, fables, errors and lies. It is beneath the dignity of a sentient being to believe what you profess. Grow up.
Hey, i know you're new to the format and you might be having trouble navigating replies so i'll ask this question again.

You have asked me a number of questions so i want to ask you one:

If an atheist doesn't have the explanation for phenomenon x or science can't yet explain phenomenon y...how would that justify the conclusion that a god must be responsible?

it's because they don't know the existence of an uncaused first cause.

But how does lack of knowledge validate god as the answer?
Example: in the past we didn't know how certain diseases spread. The fact that we could not explain that phenomenon did not validate the miasma theory of disease or the humoral theory of disease.

I agree with 1-3 but 4 seems like an unsubstantiated assertion.
Can you substantiate it?
yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Pika, you ask: I agree with 1-3 but 4 seems like an unsubstantiated assertion. Can you substantiate it?

4. Instances of transient existence ultimately and inevitably: implicate the existence of an entity that is pure permanent and self-existing existence. True.

The key to understanding No. 4 are the words ultimately and inevitably.

It's like this, you came from your papa and mama, they from their papa and mama and on and on and on . . . to sub sub sub atomic particles, until you get to existence in itself, that is permanent and self-existing, therefore that is the source of all existence that has a beginning and an ending, i.e, transient.

No actually i think the key word is "entity". How do you substantiate the claim that transient existence implicates the existence of an ultimate entity?

P.S. If you want to quote someone's response to make it more clear that you are responding to a specific idea, click the " icon above the comment box and write the quote within the brackets.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
As a kid,maybe 8 years old i realised that believing in an invisible man that lives everywhere simultaneously and knows everything is just silly. In fact its fucking ludicrous.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@yrger Then show me tge beginning of anything.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Ent, you say:
"As a kid,maybe 8 years old i realised that believing in an invisible man that lives everywhere simultaneously and knows everything is just silly. In fact its fucking ludicrous."

You mean to tell mankind that you have been living an angry and disgruntled life since when you were only 8 years old. I feel sorry for you, what about you yourself: don't you feel miserable with and for yourself? What-a-life !?!?!? .
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@yrger Not at all. Im generally a very happy person. In part that is to do with the freedom i now have,i no longer worry or fear about being judged by an invisible entity that lives in the sky.
Why, as a theist, do you, to use your own words, always get banned from theists' forums? What do you do to upset them? And don't say "nothing" because people get banned for a reason even though they dont like that reason.
yrger · 80-89, M
Why, as a theist, do you, to use your own words, always get banned from theists' forums? What do you do to upset them? And don't say "nothing" because people get banned for a reason even though they dont like that reason.

Not only theists' forums but also atheists' forum and etc.

I suspect that there are very powerful old old old posters in them forums, and I must have pissed them off, so they reported me - that's why.

In most instances the powers that rule the sites don't give any reasons at all, or at most for transgressions of rules whatever, but then you have got to know all the rules and the interpretations of these rules - besides there is the number 1 policy of these sites as also in the greatest majority of forum sites, namely: they can throw you out anytime they like.

Of course that is my opinion.
In other words you cause trouble. You are saying atheists are "angry"...which is more than a touch of gaslighting because your other comments on this thread reveal an angry individual.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi all atheists.

I am Yrger, and I am addressing this post to all atheists:

"There are three ways man comes to know the existence of god:

1. By man's intelligence and his rational faculty and his reasoning process.
2. By reading the Bible for Christians and Orthodox Jews, and the Koran for Muslims.
3. By meditation.

I know god exists by the No. 1 way.

Very briefly:
a. Man is a transient entity i.e. he is here today and then after some years of life like as much as 90 years plus, he dies.
b. The transient existence of man inevitably implicates the existence of god as the permanent self-existent creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.
c. So, we are the evidence for the existence of god.
d. Therefore god exists.

You atheists are denying the existence of the biblical god.

Here is my definition of god grounded on man's intelligence and his rational faculty and his reasoning process:
God is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not god Himself.

I didn't come to that definition of god by searching the bible.

Suppose you employ your intelligence and rational faculty and reasoning process: to deny that god as defined above, did not put you into existence, but something else, like what?"
@yrger If you see a god or gods when meditating ...you are doing it wrong!
DocSavage · M
Have you considered things from god’s point of view ? As I said before , too much is impractical for a conscience, intelligent creator.
Look at some of the characteristics usually attributed to god.
God is a spiritual being. He is eternal. He created the universe, and us. We were made in his image. He is the source of good and morality. He is love, and he will judge us for our sins after death. Etc
1) if god was , before creation, the only living being in existence. The only sensation he could possibly have would have to be self awareness. He would have no one and nothing else to respond to. The concept of love, and morality would be unknowable .
If god some how discovered he had the ability to create something outside his own ego. He would need a working model to base it on. Why create a material universe completely alien ? Why not stick with what you do know and make a spiritual universe ? This also brings up the question, why would god have human features ? What use are eyes, ears, mouth, hands , legs , feet ? To god. There’s nothing to see, hear, taste, say, hold , or walk to. He hasn’t created anything yet. If he kept everything on the spiritual side. There would be no need for these features either. We would not need air, light, water, heat. And we wouldn’t need to kill other creatures to stay alive ourselves.
All this is just some of the problems to address before starting creation. Assuming god has some plan in mind , once it happens.
Once he got things going, you have to wonder why , he took so much time getting things going. It took a Hell of a lot of time for stars and planets to form. If god can create thorough sheer will power, than the process should have been immediate. He has no reason to wait, even if time has no meaning for him. The Devil is in the details. Anyway, once he’s got the living quarters established. The next project would be life. He starts at the molecular level. And let’s evolution do the work for him . Again, why wait ?
If god is in control, it wouldn’t have to be so complicated. An intelligent god, could have just set up everything the way he wanted, right at the onset. Obviously all of god’s human interest and qualities were manufactured by humans, and not the other way around. Reality is simply too unrealistic for a loving gong to have made it.
@DocSavage I think about this alot and it is funny how you even brought up points that i haven't considered. thank you. i wish i didn't waste so much time on this nonsense as a child. i was the only nice person i ever met in Cincinnati. everyone else i met there was insane...on so many levels. But they all claimed to be very Religious...
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Entwistle, I told you already, that I want to learn from you, because you have answers for me, but instead you keep on insisting that I answer your questions, yet you yourself don't have the answers.

So, it is absurd for us to interact, we need a third party to help us get out of this absurd situation.

On the other hand I said to you already that the fact you are writing in this thread, that is the proof that your 'i' exists, otherwise you would not be writing here.

Your question about the 'i' existing but not existing is like the trick question of atheists to the effect - with presenting to theists this challenge to god's omnipotence:* "Can god create a rock so heavy he himself cannot carry?"

I regret to tell you this, namely, that you are the only one still active in this my thread, and that you are active with me only, but you have contributed nothing except something like (with your no 'i' exists): "what is the sound of one hand clapping."

I am thinking of starting a new thread, because this thread has already depleted all possible readers who could care to contribute their posts.

So, I have to stop giving you any further attention, unless you stop playing your absurd game of what is the sound of one hand clapping - then you would have all the space you need to continue with your question, where is the 'i' .

Entwistle · 51-55, M

@yrger I knew you would fail to understand. Why can't you tell me where this independent 'i' resides?
Is it in the body? The mind? None of those or both of them?
You believe in the 'i' as something more than concept? Then where is it?

*I have resolved that trick question, but since atheists are as a rule irrational, they do not care to act intelligent and accept my resolution to their trick question. What about you, do you still have enough rational intelligence to understand my resolution, or you are also like all atheists: irrationally un-intelligent to the extent of insanity.
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yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, I had just noticed that I forgot to define what is hubris in my post, so I will now define it, and you will read it as it now is presented below:

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone.

Before anything else, there is existence as distinct to and opposite to nothingness. -Yrger

Please take notice, everyone, of the statement above, from me the theist author of the present thread, "How man can prove God exists."

Now, take notice also and most importantly this line from newjaninev2 :
"The Big Bang was not the start of the physical universe (what other sort is there)." (Read her post below.)

Hi newjaninev2, you ask what other sort is there aside from the physical universe.

I tell you, there is the totality of existence aside from the physical universe which is just a mere 4% of the physical universe that you and scientists have access to, while the 96% of the physical universe is beyond access to you and scientists.

So, take a big dose of reality into your heart and mind, instead of wallowing in vain empty hubris.*

"newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
@yrger the Big Bang was not the start of the physical universe (what other sort is there).
It was the start of the expansion of the universe.
That expansion led to relative positioning i.e. space time, so it is incoherent and meaningless to speak of ‘before’ the Big Bang.
I’d be happy to discuss that with you - but you run away from all such offers, so…

You say the Big Bang was the start of the expansion of the physical universe.

So, you do admit that the physical universe does have a beginning in regard to its expansion, yes or no?

That is one question for you, Newjaninev2.

The second question for you and scientists:
Are you and scientists not indulging in an extreme narrow mindset with restrictively concentrating on the 'physical universe', for the totality of the universe is certainly much much much much greater than just the physical universe?

I await your answers to my two questions.

Cfr. Oxford Languages:


excessive pride or self-confidence.
"the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s"

arrogance conceit conceitedness haughtiness pride vanity self-importance self-conceit pomposity superciliousness feeling of superiority hauteur uppitiness big-headedness

(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis.
DocSavage · M
If you deny god exists, then what is your ultimate explanation for our transient existence?
I still think you’re being too human in your belief. I have no idea what preceded creation of our existence, but I do not believe that it was ,living, conscience, or self aware.
DocSavage · M
You should do serious thinking on why you are angry at god, it could be you are fearful of god, and instead of reconciling with god, you resort to anger against god, as some kind of self-exorcism from god.
For the record, I long ago stopped believing in god being a living entity . It has nothing do with anger or fear. It’s more about practicality.
Consider this as a simple example.
Millions of years ago. A species of dinosaurs, started growing hair as a evolutionary response to the environment. It worked, and over several generations, with natural selection, the hairs developed into feathers. The feathers lead to a new ability, flight. Changing everything you now have birds. A intelligent creator, could have started out with birds. If he wanted flying animals, why make it difficult ?
You have an infinite universe, and billions of years to work with. If you’re immortal, you got your plan, you got the power. Why wait ?
Everything we do know about creation, says it was a result of elements and conditions coming together. Life continues, Hit or miss , sooner or later you get lucky. Even if there’s no longer a god watching.
DocSavage · M
3. Transient humans implicate necessarily and ultimately the existence of a permanent self-existing entity. True.
4. This permanent self-existing entity fits the following description:
"It is the ultimately first cause of everything with a beginning like you and me and the whole universe. True.
Not true. Assuming this entity has some form of energy which you labeled the “first cause” is there any reason to believe, that power is limitless ?
Realistically, it would only be needed once to get things moving. Your entity could die in the event, and still be the “first cause”
There is also the probability that the task could be mechanical in nature.
Since there is no evidence as to what preceded creation, there is no reason in creation to believe it’s biological. There are no similar beings with even a fraction of that kind of power.
To quote the late, great Vernon Dent you theory is

"Completely illogical, preponderantly impracticable, and moreover - it stinks!"
DocSavage · M
You should do serious thinking on why you are angry at god, it could be you are fearful of god, and instead of reconciling with god, you resort to anger against god
So far this is the third discussion I’ve had this week about my opinion of god’s nature. In each one, I’ve been told that not only do I not understand god and his message, but that my real reason for disbelief is anger or hatred.
Has it ever occurred to any one. That a immortal, maximum super powered ,invisible genie, who can create and manipulate matter and energy with a mere though, and lives outside time and space.
Is just really, really ridiculous ?
yrger · 80-89, M
"Something exists which is the permanent self-existent container of all things not iself (the something), and is the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not that something itself." -Yrger

Hi Doc, you say:
"But, you are obviously unwilling to discuss that little detail, aren’t you ?"

You see the text at the top, what detail would you like to discuss with me?

DocSavage · M
I know where and what I orginated from:
"Something that is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not itself."
Actually, there are plenty of you, who believe that the universe was created be some eternal being , with no beginning or end. Some of you even give him a name , Allah, Vinishu, Yahweh, etc. You are hardly original in your beliefs. You are also, very evasive on details. Earlier I asked you what features your god has. You never gave me an answer.
Why, for example dose god have to be “ permanent” ?
Once the mechanism is started, is god need to keep it going ?
Was the universe designed with a purpose in mind ?
In what manner dose god “ operate “ mankind ?
Assuming, god’s methods aren’t mechanical, how did he get his powers ?
It seems unlikely that such a being could himself be “unplanned”

You’re very confident that your concept of god is sensible, but as I stated before, an self aware, intelligent creator god, is completely impractical.
But, you are obviously unwilling to discuss that little detail, aren’t you ?
redredred · M
@yrger just how much acid do you do?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger No?

Nothing to offer?

Very well… your god postulation is therefore dropped into the bin marked ‘completely unnecessary and unsupported claims’.
Really · 80-89, M
@newjaninev2 Yawn ... there's a bin?'
yrger · 80-89, M
Newjaninev2 · 51-55, F says to yrger:

Why are you telling me what I mean?

If my meaning is unclear, simply ask me.

I have already said that love isn’t how we feel about the other person... love is how we feel about ourselves when we’re with the other person.

If two people feel good about themselves when they are with the other person, then that mutuality of self-benefit will bring them together.

You will note that I am not saying 'love is a feeling between two persons who are in love’ (that statement is, in any case, circular, and explains nothing)

I have already said that love isn’t how we feel about the other person... love is how we feel about ourselves when we’re with the other person.

If two people feel good about themselves when they are with the other person, then that mutuality of self-benefit will bring them together.


Hi Newjaninev2, you submit:

(a) that love isn’t how we feel about the other person...
(b) love is how we feel about ourselves
(c) when we’re with the other person.
(d) If two people feel good about themselves when they are with the other person,
(e) then that mutuality of self-benefit will bring them together.

Let you and me talk about love between you and me, is that all right with you?

In the order of time sequence:

In (a) you declare "that love isn’t how we feel about the other person."

In (b) you declare "love is how we feel about ourselves."

In (c) "you are with the other person."

In (d) you each one feel good about each one's self when together.

In (e) you each one conclude the mutuality of self-benefit will bring you two together.

So, that is for you what love is all about, "the mutuality of self-benefit."

I have a question for you:
"When your mother already loved you while she was happily carrying you in her womb with gladsome expectation, did she harbor the idea that love is the the mutuality of self-benefit, and it will bring you two together"?
My working adage is: If it’s not science, it’s superstition. Carl Sagan’s famous line "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" needs to be used here. Anecdotal testimony is not acceptable.

I have zero tolerance for magical claims of any kind.
RedBaron · M
@BlueSkyKing One of my favorite professors at Cornell all those years ago!
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
With testable evidence you would prove God exists .
this conversation has gotten way outta control. So i am going to speak plainly. and i have posted this many times here. People create gods from the actions of humans.

I believe that Yahweh and Lucifero existed as big strong intelligent superior men. Lucifero worshipped Yahweh who was the leader of the village. But as time grew, Lucifero started to disagree with all of Yahweh's decisions. He fought Yahweh to the death and lost. and as people usually did back then...they set Lucifer's dead body on fire. The end.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Lily, you say:

" . . . I believe that Yahweh and Lucifero existed as big strong intelligent superior men . . . " -lilymaesixty

I propose you cease and desist from your foolish belief.

As an atheist and otherwise an intelligent person, see that you deny the correct god, instead of strawmen.
@yrger there is no correct god to deny. i am an intelligent and rational person. i know that people are basically stupid especially in a group and they couldn't have come up with this story without having some truth to it. so people being the way they are...they knew these men and the things i said happened and then the stories start up...ooooh my....they are Gods and they are powerful and they did these mystical things....Daniel Boone never did any of the crap they said he did. but they knew him...the people that made up the stories. Paul Revere took a short ride to the pub along with the actual hero of the story and that was it. he didn't do shit. but his name worked so he got to be rhymed with famously.. George Washington didn't cut down a cherry tree. Santa existed, but in the 50's his whole image was changed and he was some jolly goofy guy with a hankerin' for cookies after that. and speaking of Christmas, most of our Christmas traditions are from Pagan traditions not Christian. our entire lives are from made up crap
Diotrephes · 70-79, M

Humans evolved from fish.

Anatomical clues to human evolution from fish

We're more like primitive fishes than once believed, new research shows

The Human Edge: Finding Our Inner Fish

Ancient 4-limbed fish reveals origin of human hand

Middle Ear of Humans Evolved From Fish Gills, According to Study

How a 380-Million-Year-Old Fish Gave Us Fingers

If humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Diotrephes No doubt you’ve read Neil Shubin’s Your Inner Fish

it’s a great read!
yrger · 80-89, M
Paging newjaninev2 · 51-55, F.

Hi newjaninev2 · 51-55, F, please give your definition of what is love, see mine below at the bottom.

yrger · 80-89, M
Hiev2 · 51-55, F newjanin

What is love?

Berore anything else, we approach the question from seardhing ourselves, have we experienced what we call by the word love?

If you are like Tarzan all alone the only human in the jungle, can you experience love, as to ask yourself, what is this thing I am experiencing?

Forget Tarzan, the reality is that we live with fellow humans.

So, let you and me work together as to agree on what is love, is that all right with you?

From my part, love is a feeling, and what is a feeling?

A feeling is an emotion, and what is an emotion?

An emotion is an urge to do something, like with love, it is the urge or drive to do what?

To kiss the person you love - hahahahaha.

And you want her or him to kiss you back.

So, hi Newj, don't go into a lot of vacuous blah blah blah . . .

Here is my definition of love:
"Love is the feeling which moves us to do something like kiss the prson we love, to please the person we love, and the person we love who also loves us, this person kiss us back - all that is loving each other between two humans."
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger ????
yrger · 80-89, M
Addressing newjaninev2:
Here is my definition of love:
"Love is the feeling which moves us to do something like kiss the prson we love, to please the person we love, and the person we love who also loves us, this person kiss us back - all that is loving each other between two humans."

Hi newjaninev2, please produce a definition of love that matches the experience of two persons who mutually and reciprocally love each other.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger I have already done that twice - how each feels about the self when they’re with the other.

Whether or not those feelings are desirable is idiosyncratic and infinitely variable

Any prescriptive definition is therefore too limiting

Tell me .. why do you keep on about this, rather than the topics you now seem anxious to avoid?
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone.

Before anything else, there is existence as distinct to and opposite to nothingness. -Yrger

Please take notice, everyone, of the statement above, from me the theist author of the present thread, "How man can prove God exists."

Now, take notice also and most importantly this line from newjaninev2 :
"The Big Bang was not the start of the physical universe (what other sort is there)." (Read her post below.)

Hi newjaninev2, you ask what other sort is there aside from the physical universe.

I tell you, there is the totality of existence aside from the physical universe which is just a mere 4% of the physical universe that you and scientists have access to, while the 96% of the physical universe is beyond access to you and scientists.

So, take a big dose of reality into your heart and mind, instead of wallowing in vain empty hubris.

newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
@yrger the Big Bang was not the start of the physical universe (what other sort is there).
It was the start of the expansion of the universe.
That expansion led to relative positioning i.e. space time, so it is incoherent and meaningless to speak of ‘before’ the Big Bang.
I’d be happy to discuss that with you - but you run away from all such offers, so…

You say the Big Bang was the start of the expansion of the physical universe.

So, you do admit that the physical universe does have a beginning in regard to its expansion, yes or no?

That is one question for you, Newjaninev2.

The second question for you and scientists:
Are you and scientists not indulging in an extreme narrow mindset with restrictively concentrating on the 'physical universe', for the totality of the universe is certainly much much much much greater than just the physical universe?

I await your answers to my two questions.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
the totality of existence aside from the physical universe

an unsupported, incoherent, claim.

a beginning in regard to its expansion

You were talking about the universe... suddenly you’re talking about expansion. I therefore take it that you accept the Big Bang was not the start of the physical universe

Are you [...] indulging in an extreme narrow mindset with restrictively concentrating on the 'physical universe?


Was there anything else?

Perhaps you’d now like to actually discuss some of the points I have made in earlier comments?

...or perhaps not, I suppose
@yrger Make an effort to learn the format. If you want to make a new or different point, start a new thread. Plenty of space here.

Get through your head that science is methodology. It has strict rules. Scientists construct models that attempt to explain the the natural universe. It’s has eureka moments but more often follow "Hmmm… that’s strange". We strive to create machines that collect data accurately and without prejudice.

Every time scientists publishes their results, a big target appears. Far more people out to show that the claims are false. Calling scientists 'narrow minded' is a cop out. Religion wants the mind control.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone.

Scientists talk about the physical universe, and its components, including such most esoteric things as black holes.

But above and beyond the physical universe there is the transcendent universe which is all god.

So, we can talk about existence, of which there are two kinds: (a) the transcendent existence and (b) the descendent existence also called the physical universe.

(a) is all god, permanent and self-existent.
(b) is the creation of god, and god can fold it up as to render it extinct i.e. into nothingness.*

Where would the universe go to when it became extinct?

Where to? Where else but back into the bosom of god.

Everything is made of the god stuff, god can bring it out from god's bosom, and bring it back in.

*Google, Will the uinverse end.
RedBaron · M
If this God dude is so great, why were the Beatles more popular?
RedBaron · M
@DIABLISS No. I already know that. I have no idea how you could misread such a simple post.
@RedBaron your statement could go either way...edit it
RedBaron · M
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi atheists and everyone else human here, please read the following two texts (a) and (b) below.

When you finished reading, I like to invite you all to identify the universe as the totality of existence.

So that the universe = the totality of existence.

And we will label the universe = the totality of existence as "the universe/existence."

According to scientists we know only a mere 4% of the universe/existence, which they call the observable universe/existence, and the remainder 96% of the universe/existence as the unobservable universe/existence.

Now, let us bring in the Big Bang theory and ask ourselves:
In the Big Bang theory, What is the relationship between the unobservable universe/existence and the observable universe/existence?

From my part as the theist, I say the unobservable universe/existence caused the beginning of the observable/universe/existence.

That means 96% of the universe/existence brought about the reality of the 4% universe/exstence.

What do you atheists and everyone else say?


(a) The universe is often defined as "the totality of existence", or everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist. In fact, some philosophers and scientists support the inclusion of ideas and abstract concepts—such as mathematics and logic—in the definition of the universe. The word universe may also refer to concepts such as the cosmos, the world, and nature. -Wikipedia on universe.

(b) I now invite you guys to read the article 'universe' in Wikipedia. where you will meet these three phrases:

(a) universe
(b) physical universe
(c) observable universe

So, think now, really using your brain matter, and tell me whether any of the three phrases or all together be equivalent to the 'totality of existence'? -Yrger the theist
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@yrger As usual you are talking out of your anus.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone human like me, even though you call yourselves atheists, and I the theist, we all have intelligence that gets us to the moon and back.

From reading atheists here I have gotten a lot of insights, no not from their thoughs, but from trying to see how they fit into the whole big sphere of existence.

You all see, even atheists, that we are all connected, all components of the whole big sphere of existence.

Outside the the whole big sphere of existence, there is only nothingness.

In this the whole big sphere of existence, there is one component that is permanent and self-existing, and it is the source of everything else, including black holes, and atheists, the like of which, one is called newjaninev2 of fond remembrance - hehehe.

The trouble with atheists is that they don't see anything at all except a scrap here and a scrap there, but never the whole big sphere of existence.

Hi beloved atheists, contemplate the whole big sphere of existence, instead of thinking about some scrap here and some scrap there, like how the egg gets to come first before the chicken: if you ask me, they come forth together at the same time: the egg inside the chicken - then the chicken lays the first egg and sits on it to hatch it into the next chicken, that starts the species of chicken. See! It's so simple when you atheists really use your brain to think instead of to hate.

Okay, hi atheists, contemplate the the whole big sphere of existence.

Bye bye for now.


yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, read this text:

"Something that is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not itself."

(a) Something that is the permanent self-existent container of all things,
(b) and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not itself.

In (a) the word container means a vessel like a jar for holding wine, oil, grain, etc - even holding atheists and theists and all humans of whatever mindset, and literally everythng, also very important, the vessel is itself its own container.

In (b) the word creator means like say an inventor, and the word operator means like say the driver of a car or the pilot flying an airplane.

So, everyone, please think on what you would like to discuss with me, Yrger the theist.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger The chicken and egg nonsense back, is it?

I told you... the egg came first. In fact there are demonstrable biological and evolutionary reasons why that must be so.

I offered to explain to you why that is true.

You chose to ignore my offer.

You chose to run away from reality.

Your still running away from reality.

Stay gone.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Entwistle, I ask you to produce say ten ideas that are synonimous with annata, but again as usual you go into another direction.

Entwistle · 51-55, M
@yrger All things are collections of other things. Hence they have no inherent selfhood.

Anyway, you say that "All things are collections of other things. Hence they have no inherent selfhood."

Right away, don't you notice that you are not into ideas but things, so you are already wrong with your insistence that you want to debate on ideas and not things.

And that is what I am telling you about, we cannot debate on ideas, but on things which exist like the nose our face.

In addition, you say, all things are collections of other things, hence they have no selfhood, what is a selfhood with yourself and myself which do sport a nose on our face?

So, your insistence on debating on ideas is totally absurd, and I fear that your brain is full of absurdities no matter that you recite Buddhist koans, which are before anythings else sounds, and they are things not ideas.

Lastly, ideas represent things, and not nothing - otherwise when your ideas represent nothingness, then you are insane or for a concrete word, crazy.

In addition, have you ever been to the Far East where there are Buddhist monks? They live by asking for foods from people, because they are very busy with meditation. What they should do is yes meditate but also grow rice and vegetables to feed themselves.

Now, tell me, was Gautama the Buddha sporting a body which he has to feed and also to defecate and urinate, is he an idea or a body like your body and my body?

So, I fear that you are full a Buddhist nonsense.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@yrger I haven't quoted any Zen koans. The Buddha was a label,a name put on Gautama.
Can you not understand that all things are made up of other things? ...see..I am talking about things.
Does a chocolate cake exist independent from the flour,eggs,milk,chocolate that it is made from? All things are like this..they lack independent selfhood.
I think that people are insane. They had to invent a reason or purpose for being when there really is none. There is no God. We were created because of several cataclysmic events on other planets. there was life on all planets at one time, otherwise there would be no planets. Then eventually they were too close to the sun or too far away and died off. some bumped into each other. Some of their particles ended up on Earth. We were most likely in some sort of life state and these particles helped to jump start our evolution. and here we are.

Religion has been the cause and excuse for most of humans stupid acts. Prejudice, war, bombings etc...if people weren't so RELIGIOUS this might be a nice place to live
yrger · 80-89, M

lilymaesixty1 · 61-69, F
I think that people are insane. They had to invent a reason or purpose for being when there really is none. There is no God. We were created because of several cataclysmic events on other planets. there was life on all planets at one time, otherwise there would be no planets. Then eventually they were too close to the sun or too far away and died off. some bumped into each other. Some of their particles ended up on Earth. We were most likely in some sort of life state and these particles helped to jump start our evolution. and here we are.

Religion has been the cause and excuse for most of humans stupid acts. Prejudice, war, bombings etc...if people weren't so RELIGIOUS this might be a nice place to live

Do you notice that you are making gratuitous statements, like this one, "There is no God."

How did you ever come to this categorical but gratuitous statement.

At least explain how and why you say "There is no God."
@yrger people use the word gratuitous too often. and your usage was incorrect.

I was raised for four years without religion and i was quite happy. then i lived with insane people in an insane city where everyone claimed to be religious. my religious family was raping and molesting and beating and lying about me. my religious friends tried to murder me and lied about me. i went to church with them several times and i met psychopaths who turned to religion to make people think they were okay.

after a while you realize that saying you are religious is admitting to believing in a made up fairy tale written by drug addicts whose wild meanderings are being used eventually to control the masses.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi newjaninev2, you say:
"If two people feel good about themselves when they are with the other person, then that mutuality of self-benefit will bring them together."

Honestly, I can't make out neither head nor tail what you are saying at all.

(a) If two people feel good about themselves
(b) when they are with the other person,
(c) then that mutuality of self-benefit will bring them together.

From (a) to (c) you don't mention love at all.

So, are you talking about love or not talking about love?

By the way, from me reading your language, polite and decent and respectful: it seems to me that you were sent by your loving parents to a most exclusive Christian school for girls.

That shool brought you up to be most polite and decent and respectful in your lanaguage.

Aha! You were a veteran Christian, but mysteriously converted yourself into an atheist, but your language gives you away.

Or you lell in love with an atheist and thus from love you joined him in his atheistic life, from head to toes.

Now, see what love can do to people, turn them from loving god to loving atheists, when they fall for atheists.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger You’re the one characterising their feelings as love. I’m explaining to you why two people want to be with each other, spend time with each other, and not be apart from each other.

It’s not because of how they feel about the other person... it’s how they feel about themselves when they’re with the other person.

My grandparents were atheists, my parents were atheists. None of them found any compelling necessity to postulate gods, and refrained from lying to their children... and I have refrained from lying to my child.

yrger · 80-89, M
Addressing all atheists and all theists and everyone else, tell me what is your experience and also your definition of love.

Here is my definition of love:
"Love is the feeling which moves us to do something like kiss the prson we love, to please the person we love, and the person we love who also loves us, this person kiss us back - all that is loving each other between two humans.

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi newjaninev2 · 51-55, F

What is love?

Berore anything else, we approach the question from seardhing ourselves, have we experienced what we call by the word love?

If you are like Tarzan all alone the only human in the jungle, can you experience love, as to ask yourself, what is this thing I am experiencing?

Forget Tarzan, the reality is that we live with fellow humans.

So, let you and me work together as to agree on what is love, is that all right with you?

From my part, love is a feeling, and what is a feeling?

A feeling is an emotion, and what is an emotion?

An emotion is an urge to do something, like with love, it is the urge or drive to do what?

To kiss the person you love - hahahahaha.

And you want her or him to kiss you back.

So, hi Newj, don't go into a lot of vacuous blah blah blah . . .

Here is my definition of love:
"Love is the feeling which moves us to do something like kiss the prson we love, to please the person we love, and the person we love who also loves us, this person kiss us back - all that is loving each other between two humans.
Lynda70 · F
How man can prove God exists.
They could start by presenting some of the shed loads of evidence they claim to have.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
If god doesnt exist, we will never know because you cant prove a negative, only suggest its unlikely due to lack of evidence.

If he does exist however, i hope we do find out soon, i would like to know for sure. But until then i choose the lack of sufficient evidence approach. Im old enough to not need guidance or anything of that nature to live a good life.

I do prefer theists over atheists however, because they generally do have a moral code to live by which i think makes our nation a better place. Lately, that moral code is out the window, producing a lot of selfish egotistical people
Lynda70 · F
often in the west a largely Christian one.
Actually, what you might like to call "christian morals" are common to most religions - and not practised very well by christians either.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Lynda70 Yes, I agree. And I suppose religious people are as likely to be selfish and egotistical as anyone else.
yrger · 80-89, M
I do prefer theists over atheists however, because they generally do have a moral code to live by which i think makes our nation a better place. Lately, that moral code is out the window, producing a lot of selfish egotistical people. -JestA

I think it could be that atheists don't care for the kind of morality in the 10 Commandments, but there are other atheists who really are after knowing god exists - but they these latter atheists just haven't yet reasoned to the existence of god.

So, there is a division between (a) sincere atheists and (b) insincere atheists.

How to know (a) atheists from (b) atheists?

Simple: (a) atheists are thoughtful, while (b) atheists are noisily cussing god - futilely attempting to exorcise god out of their heart annd mind, so (b) atheists do know god exists, else why exorcise god if god does not exist?
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi all atheists, DocSavage has not yet replied to my post below.*

In the meantime, what detail would you any atheist like to discuss with me on my description (as follows next) of the entity which is the ultimate source of all instances of existence with a beginning.

"Something exists which is the permanent self-existent container of all things not iself (the something), and is the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not that something itself." -Yrger

yrger · 80-89, M
"Something exists which is the permanent self-existent container of all things not iself (the something), and is the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not that something itself." -Yrger

Hi Doc, you say:
"But, you are obviously unwilling to discuss that little detail, aren’t you ?"

You see the text at the top, what detail would you like to discuss with me?

DocSavage · M
I know where and what I orginated from:
"Something that is the permanent self-existent container of all things, and the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not itself."
Actually, there are plenty of you, who believe that the universe was created be some eternal being , with no beginning or end. Some of you even give him a name , Allah, Vinishu, Yahweh, etc. You are hardly original in your beliefs. You are also, very evasive on details. Earlier I asked you what features your god has. You never gave me an answer.
Why, for example dose god have to be “ permanent” ?
Once the mechanism is started, is god need to keep it going ?
Was the universe designed with a purpose in mind ?
In what manner dose god “ operate “ mankind ?
Assuming, god’s methods aren’t mechanical, how did he get his powers ?
It seems unlikely that such a being could himself be “unplanned”

You’re very confident that your concept of god is sensible, but as I stated before, an self aware, intelligent creator god, is completely impractical.
But, you are obviously unwilling to discuss that little detail, aren’t you ?
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, The Big Bang is the start of the physical universe, and it is the evidence that anterior to it, there is a non-physical god that is permanent and self-existing and is the container and creator and operator of all things whatsoever that has a beginning.

This god is the creator master of the 4% of the physical uninverse known to scientists and the 96% not known to scientists.

So, god is the container and creator and operator of the totality of existence of which god is the only unique permanent self-existing entity.

And here is the final clincher:
God is the medium of existence for everything that is not god himself. Like as water is the medium of existence for fish, and air is the medium of existence for mankind and all living things on land.

In brief words for us humans, we live and move and have our being in god.

And in brief words about god, it is all god god god god god god god god . . .

Finally in just three words: "god is existence."

And I can say to our own credit:
"We exist, therefore god exists." -Pauca Verba
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@yrger Are you quite done posting nonsense?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger the Big Bang was not the start of the physical universe (what other sort is there).
It was the start of the expansion of the universe.
That expansion led to relative positioning i.e. space time, so it is incoherent and meaningless to speak of ‘before’ the Big Bang.
I’d be happy to discuss that with you - but you run away from all such offers, so…
yrger · 80-89, M
This is going to get atheists foaming in their mouth with hatred toward me.

And I can't blame them, for I have the idea that god is the totality of existence, meaning all existence whatsover is made by god from god's 'materia', I mean the stuff that god itself is made of.

Let me mention sub sub sub sub atomic particles, physicists are going head over heels looking for the final smallest particles, in order to know what is the universe made of.

I tell them, Stop your foolish search, all things in the universe - or whatevr verse you want to call everything you examine, it is made of the god-stuff, meaning the substance that is god itself.

As you atheists deny god exists, you will never ever come to the ultimate composition of the universe, or what I call existence, because universe or the totality of existence is made up of the god-self.

Does that mean that atheists themselves are made of the god-stuff, you got it correct!

Tell you what, hi atheists, you read everything that Stephen Hawking keeps on and on telling mankind that there is no god, the man is mentally sick, not only in his neurological disease of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis aka Lou Gehrig's illness.

The man could use an experienced psychoanalyst to cure him of this internal conflict, for he is made of god-stuff, but he keeps on and on denying his god-stuff composition.

So, my advice to you atheists, you need the best psychoanalysts to clear you of your mential sickness, you have got to face the fact that you guys are made of the god-stuff.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@LordShadowfire Now they will refuse to answer you.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
you atheists deny god exists

I am an atheist, and I have never done that.

Do you agree?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger So, just to be clear, your knowledge of particle physics starts and ends with “it’s god-stuff’.

Is that right?
yrger · 80-89, M
( I suggest you anyone new, pay attention to the latest texts from me below. )

Hi everyone here, has there always been existence or there was a time when nothing exists?

I Yrger ask everyone here that question, and so far no one has answered.

Your silence is too loud for me to not neglect.


I want to talk with anyone who can think straight that there has always been something instead of nothing.

When I read anyone starting off with saying that he is still trying to understand what is nothing, then he is certainly a no thinking straight entity whatever.

No need to entertain him, he is not a straight thinker.

When a human starts with saying that he still studying what is nothing, then you will be wasting your time, the man is just seeking to appear profount, but he is profounding either out of his mind, or playing dishonestly the game of distracting you into a useless discussion about nothing.

The fact is that nothing is nothing so don't talk about it.

No matter that such a non-straight thinking human entity invests billions and billions and billions . . . . into waiting, nothing ain't gonna become something.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, do you know that god is equivalent to existence, so that the whole universe without any qualification is all god, and outside god i.e. existence there is only nothingness.

We humans are the greatest creation of god, and god created us to be intelligent.

From almost endless research, I have divided into three ways how man comes to know god exists:

1. By man's intelligence
2. By reading the bible for Christians and the koran for Muslims
3. By meditation

In my own case I come to know god exists with thinking that there is an ultimate
entity that is in chage of everything in the material part of the universe, that means all things which are subject to measurement, like we humans and also stones and atoms and all sub sub sub sub sub . . . atomic particles whatsoever.

All these components of the material universe observe order, and with living things like us humans, all our body parts observe order, so that we don't experience our nose falling off our face uncertainly.

Order implicates inevitably the existence of an entity that issues out orders.

And what or who is the ultimage entity in charge of issuing out orders i.e. commands?

Who else but god.

That is how and why I define god as the permanent self-existent container of all things whatsoever including the god-self, and god is the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything that is not the god-self.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone here, I am now reading about particle physics and also about quantum field theory.

I could be mistaken, but my impression is that latest scientists are not so sure that nature is just made up of particles and quantums.

If they ask me, I would tell them all nature is made up of what I call the god-stuff, and god exists explains everything.


A Deepening Crisis Forces Physicists to Rethink Structure of Nature’s Laws
For three decades, researchers hunted in vain for new elementary particles that would have explained why nature looks the way it does. As physicists confront that failure, they’re reexamining a longstanding assumption: that big stuff consists of smaller stuff.

What Is Quantum Field Theory and Why Is It Incomplete?
Quantum field theory may be the most successful scientific theory of all time, but there’s reason to think it’s missing something. Steven Strogatz speaks with theoretical physicist David Tong about this enigmatic theory.
redredred · M
@yrger unlike Bronze age superstitions, science understands that research continues. The idiocy of your silly beliefs never changes so you accept the 2500 documented errors of fact in your barely literate scriptures while science endeavors every day to prove itself wrong so as to advance knowledge. Your “god stuff” is worth less than what my beagle leaves in the back yard.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Entwistle.

Thanks for your reply, remember we are in a debate on ideas, as you want, not on things, but now you are talking about things. Ha ha.

Okay, you are insisting on that all things are composed of other things and therefore they lack independent existence. I am not challenging that.

Is that a discovery from your part owing to Buddhist meditation. Even without Buddhist meditation a mere child knows that from his intelligence.

What exactly are we debating on now, that nothing is or isn't into its 'selfhood'?

But I am all the way with you on that nothing is independent, period.

Am I insisting on the opposite, that everything is independent?

Hey, you say you want to talk philosophy? Now, it seems that the only philosophy you know is Buddhist philosophy.

And your Buddhist philosophy is into what? Wow! What a discovery, that everything is composed of also things.

The grade school kid knows from science that everything is made up of parts or other things.

Tell me, do Buddfhist masters of learning learn that from Buddhist kind of meditation? And you learn from them. What about you do some intelligent thinking by yourself, okay?

Entwistle · 51-55, M

@yrger I haven't quoted any Zen koans. The Buddha was a label,a name put on Gautama.
Can you not understand that all things are made up of other things? ...see..I am talking about things.
Does a chocolate cake exist independent from the flour,eggs,milk,chocolate that it is made from? All things are like this..they lack independent selfhood.

Entwistle · 56-60, M
@yrger Sadly on a moment to moment level we don't perceive that things are made up of other things..we see and assume things exist independently.
We assume there is a 'me' and outside of me is 'everything else'. That is duality.
The dualistic mind. Which is ignorance,which causes all suffering.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone, (a) we humans are intelligent, (b) but we did not make ourselves, in addition (c) we are transient entities, i.e. not permanent, when we die we are gone into non-existence.

(a) we humans are intelligent,
(b) but we did not make ourselves, in addition
(c) we are transient entities, i.e. not permanent, when we die we are gone into non-existence.

(b) is obvious in the ultimate summation, that means that yes we come from our papa and mama, but they come from their papa and mama and on and on . . . from sub sub sub atomic particles on and on until our investigation finally comes to the first entity, which is the original creator of everything i.e. god who is permanent and self-existent.

(a) we humans are intelligent, so god our creator is nth times more intelligent than us.

(c) We humans are transient i.e. temporary in our existence, but god is permanent and self-existent, and that is the way god wants it, that we be transient i.e. temporary in our existent.

I ask god why he makes us to exist only for a time and then we are gone with our end i.e. with death.

Hi everyone human, you know why?

I think it is because god wants us to ask for it, namely, everlasting life, on condition that we deserve it.
Just a century or two ago, humans only believed what they can perceive with their five senses. Now we have developed some science and have also started to recognize few more thing that were not acceptable before, like viruses, induction, electromagnetic radiation, etc.

Until the science develops so much that it can observe all & every thing beyond the current sphere of knowledge of science, the truth of God will remain a mystery.

So more sensible to be agnostic than atheist.
@Diotrephes I don't know about the religions, gods and tales you are talking about. Nor interested to know.
Lynda70 · F
I don't think this post has anything specific to Christian God.
Spelling 'god' with a capital 'G', as the OP does, usually refers to the christian one.
@Lynda70 That's how you think, maybe because for you God only means Christian god. You may confirm from the OP, what he really meant.

You replied on my comment, and I can assure you I didn't meant that.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi everyone human here:

You notice, that the advocates here of evolution have unfailingly been at a loss to answer my question to them: as evolution is a process, what or who is the processor?

From yrger · 80-89, M

Hi Emosaur, we are interacting about evolution, and it is a process, so I am asking you what or who is the processor.

Please reply.

No need for us to be occupied with distractions.

Let us now transcend from evolution to the existence of reality in the spirit world.

The present thread from me the theist is "How man can prove God exists."

Before anything else, both advocates of god existing and all kinds of god opponents i.e atheists and/or doubters: we all must first agree on the premise that there has always been existence, as distinct from and contrary to the premise that there has alway been non-existence or non-reality.

What do you anyone here human say about my first premise? For it is absurd to interact without concurring on the first premise.

And please everyone intelligent and honest, don't engage in intentionally straying from the issue at hand.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@yrger There hasn't always been existence.
yrger · 80-89, M
Newj tells Yrger, "A lovely (Wednesday) morning here... not quite Spring (three weeks to go), but the garden is definitely stirring."

Hi Newj, where is your location, I am also exactly in the same time location and witnessing "A lovely (Wednesday) morning."

Let's take a break, what is your geographical location?


newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
@yrger Good morning 😀

A lovely (Wednesday) morning here... not quite Spring (three weeks to go), but the garden is definitely stirring.

Now, I take it that you want, and are ready for, your chicken-egg lesson. Yes?

Let’s begin...

Eggs are specialised female sex cells... agreed?

newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger Eggs are specialised female sex cells... agreed?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@yrger Eggs are specialised female sex cells... agreed?
DocSavage · M
Stop avoiding the questions .
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi newjaninev2 · 51-55, F

What is love?

Berore anything else, we approach the question from seardhing ourselves, have we experienced what we call by the word love?

If you are like Tarzan all alone the only human in the jungle, can you experience love, as to ask yourself, what is this thing I am experiencing?

Forget Tarzan, the reality is that we live with fellow humans.

So, let you and me work together as to agree on what is love, is that all right with you?

From my part, love is a feeling, and what is a feeling?

A feeling is an emotion, and what is an emotion?

An emotion is an urge to do something, like with love, it is the urge or drive to do what?

To kiss the person you love - hahahahaha.

And you want her or him to kiss you back.

So, hi Newj, don't go into a lot of vacuous blah blah blah . . .

Here is my definition of love:
"Love is the feeling which moves us to do something like kiss the prson we love, to please the person we love, and the person we love who also loves us, this person kiss us back - all that is loving each other between two humans.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi atheists, you allege that although the physical universe has a beginning, that does not implicate that some entity created it.

So, it just popped into existence from nothingness?

That is absurd.

What about this idea from Stephen Hawking:

"Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist."

But take notice the man conveniently neglects to ask from where the law of gravity originates - also from nothingness?

For his enlightenment, if there is a law, there is a law maker.

And for his further enlightenment from simple intelligence, there has always been existence that is permanent and self-existent.

Hi atheists, you see, there is ultimately the choice between the platform of existence or the platform of non-existence i.e. nothingness, to start any conversation among us humans.

As we are all intelligent, we cannot but choose the platform of existence, instead of the platform of nothingness i.e. non-existence.

If you stubbornly insist that nothingness is not really nothingness but somethingness, in which case you are not talking about nothingness - unless you have lost your mind.

Nothingness is never ever going to change itself from nothingness to somethingness, even though atheists wait and wait and wait . . . billions and billions and billions of years.

The fact and the truth is all existence is god, period.

All things not god came from god.

God is the theory of everything.

God exists, that explains everything that has a beginning.
redredred · M
@yrger The only possible ultimate source of everything is nothing. The only possible source of all causality is a cause-less origin. If you can’t see that and understand it, that is a commentary on the limits of your intelligence and understanding.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Entwistle, where are we now in our debate?

You say: "thoughts do exist (in dependence upon other causes) yet no thinker of those thoughts can be found."

Suppose you tell me who or what is looking for the thinker, for if no one or nothing is trying to find the thinker, then of course it does not matter that a thinker exists or not.

Before anything else, even a Buddha like Gautama has to exist first before he can think up such desperate fact that there is suffering, and try to find a way out of suffering, by what? Like killing himself - that is absoutely absurd, but then it is the peculiar talent of an enlightened Gautama to engage his brain with absurdities.

Entwistle · 51-55, M

@yrger Ending suffering involves realizing that no self exists,all our suffering comes from ignorance and desire.
Once no self (Anatta) is realized then there is no 'i' that suffers.
In the same way that thoughts do exist (in dependence upon other causes) yet no thinker of those thoughts can be found.

JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@yrger I thought you wanted to discuss like we are all friends. Doesn't really seem so now.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@yrger The illusion of a self...that is what seems to be searching for the thinker. How's upon further investigation no thinker can be found.
The idea of a thinker is just that..yet another idea,another thought.
Buddha and all other things do not exist outside of you. The mind and what it perceives are one and the same.
yrger · 80-89, M

JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@yrger I thought you wanted to discuss like we are all friends. Doesn't really seem so now.


I am happy to discuss with you on anything at all in re the topic of the thread, "How man can prove God exists."


Glad to meet you, JimboSaturn.

I really don't know how the 'reply' feature works, just the same I am sure you can get my message and that correctly.
Its not possible. The bible says you should believe these things as though you were a child and blessed are those who believe without seeing. So unless you are prepared to believe that way, it won't come to you.
He was wrong for following him

But that's not what he admitted wrong to.
@Diotrephes i don't believe in God but i believe in Jesus. Ya know, the guy that was dissatisfied with his religion so he rewrote it. i think he is an amalgam. think about it. how many Jesus' would one have known in that area at that time. i myself have met a few in the US. Many historians have proven to themselves that it is not possible for him to be in all these places and do all these things so it was probably other Jesuses or some of his followers doing things and using his name. I also find it hard to understand why they left out his personal life or lied about it. His Mary was his wife and they lived together and had children and a life together. There were other Mary's but the religious people combined them to make it into one.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
i don't believe in God but i believe in Jesus. Ya know, the guy that was dissatisfied with his religion so he rewrote it. i think he is an amalgam. think about it. how many Jesus' would one have known in that area at that time. i myself have met a few in the US. Many historians have proven to themselves that it is not possible for him to be in all these places and do all these things so it was probably other Jesuses or some of his followers doing things and using his name. I also find it hard to understand why they left out his personal life or lied about it. His Mary was his wife and they lived together and had children and a life together. There were other Mary's but the religious people combined them to make it into one.

It's easy to overlook the fact that we are dealing with an ancient ethnocentric Middle Eastern religious fairy tale that we really don't know for sure how it gained traction.

Who really started Christianity? Who knows? There is speculation that the Romans started it in order to weaken the Jewish fanatics who were giving them so much trouble. After all, one of the main points is that people are supposed to submit to the authorities.

Or maybe the Saul/Paul character actually did exist and he started it and used the Jesus character to anchor his resurrection religion.

Whoever is responsible, we know that people were constantly creating new religions all the time. People still do it today.

We know for a fact that all gods are imaginary and not one of the over 33,000,000 gods than men have created has never done anything godly on this planet. So, even when people do claim to believe in a particular deity, they are still believing in an imaginary one because each person has a different view and opinion about the deity.

The bottom line is that if one or more of the biblical Gods and Jesus is real I would not voluntarily worship any of them because they are evil creatures and would eagerly jump into the lake of fire to end my existence.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi newjaninev2, read this post from Dino:

Dino11 · M
"There are no atheists in foxholes" is an aphorism used to suggest that times of extreme stress or fear can prompt belief in a higher power.[1] In the context of actual warfare, such a sudden change in belief has been called a foxhole conversion. The logic of the argument is also used to argue for the opposite.

You don't need to be in a foxhole at war to face certain death i.e. extinction of your existence, for one day sooner than later, you will face certain death.

What will be your departure words, departure from existence?

Of course as usual you will evade the question from me, and go into an irrelevant direction, like you are too busy enjoying life i.e. existence to think about death.

But being a normal human, when you attend a funeral, being a normal human you will think about death and your funeral(?).

Or, what do I say about you, that you are not a normal human but an abnomal one, and you have turned yourself into an abnormal one, by choosing a dismal atheist's idea of life i.e. existece.

Dear readers, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to witness the response of an abnomal human.

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