During WW2, when your parents were kids, did your parents have to wearDid they have to wear Tags on a string around their neck that had their name and address on them every day when they went to school? My mom did. Everyone in Saint John did. Kids anyways
The drones, the drones, the drones, are the democrats, going to declare a state of emergency, to stop Trump taking power ?
How do you judge which side has popular appeal in a war-zone?It's necessarily a tough question to answer because truth is the first casualty of war, information is hard to find and no voting is going to happen when tanks are rolling past. Also, a side controlling a recently contested territory, isn't going to... See More »
Dialogue and respect is missing from modern politicsWhen did posting stupid memes replace intellectual debate?
Obviously some people can invade and we will celebrate, others can take NATO on their border or else!Take it and like it.
If Syrians voted, would they reelect president Assad? Would they vote for the new military rulers?Syrians elected Assad by a wide margin recently - would they do it again, only to be told 'no' by the militia?