It won’t even be cheap to “buy American” with these tariffs.If you buy a HP or Dell laptop, it’s still going to be more expansive because the microprocessors come from China. And on top of your expensive medical insurance, tariffs mean you’ll pay higher than other countries for your pharmaceuticals. Good... See More »
Sometimes, the only reason why you won't let go of what's making you sad is because it was the only thing that made you happy.... (1)
It's an interesting thought, as the uncool boomers get greedier and leave less and less behind...It might be wise to take very good care of yourself and take advantage of a second chance. Such as going back to college midlife and starting a new career, or open a side business. A lot of people my age and younger are already gaining these skills... See More »
OpportunitiesI’m done regretting the past. I’m done thinking to myself: “I could’ve done this or that, I missed out on that” There’s a lot of truth to those thoughts but now that I’m 28 years old, I’m beginning to notice that opportunities will always be there... See More »