Did you see how i stayed calm and classy after my friend turned the garbage disposal on with my breakfast right next to itVery demure
I fear I’m not funny anymoreI used to make myself giggle all day long, and I don’t know why it’s gone
God tells us "ALL have come short of the Glory of God!" If we have committed one sin, we will NOT go to heaven, but go to hell!Have you been angry with anyone? Lusted after a woman? Ever been not honest? Said one thing and did another? said anything mean? Been envious? Went above the speed limit? thrown trash on the ground? Treated anyone unfairly? Done anything wrong? The... See More »
🎶It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good 🎶I got my new wearable glucose monitor; this is going to be a life changer in a good way. I can see in real time how what I eat affects my blood sugar. So, I can cut certain things out of my diet. I watched my blood sugars go down 12 points after... See More »