One World Government Rise of The LAST BeastTheologians and pastors teach different views concerning the One World system that will rise. Differences in who, where, how this event will occur. One thing is for sure it's coming and eyes need to be open. The Book of Daniel mainly times... See More » (1)
Microchip Implantation Up until the 20th century the mark of the beast was impossible. Could the microchip being implanted up under the skin be the onset of the mark of the beast. The Swiss love it. (1)
The 5 Crown Reward System in Heaven For BelieversThe Bible teaches that there's a “reward system” in Heaven. Do not confuse these 5 crowns to be a reward for good works before one has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. These five heavenly crowns mentioned in the New Testament, shall be... See More » (2)
Reincarnation was removed from Bible after 500 years.Because they had no concrete evidence. But what would be the convincing proof of reincarnation. Only you can ask god himself.
Jonah And The WhaleAnd some Scoffers say a person couldn't be swallowed by a whale this one took the man and his kayaking his mouth and then spit him out. Others say a person couldn't live in the belly of a whale. Guess what the Bible didn't say it was a whale, the... See More » (1)
Philippians 2:12 is often misinterpreted. Works do not "maintain" our salvation. Performance has nothing to do with salvation.The verse "work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12) is often misinterpreted as meaning a constant, terror-stricken fear of God, which is not the intended meaning; the "fear" here refers more to a deep reverence and respect... See More »
Bible TranslationsOver the years I have read various translations of the Bible for my personal devotions. This year I am using the NET Bible (New English Translation). This translation is somewhere between a formal equivalence (Word for Word) and a dynamic... See More »