She would've been 83 today.“I just lost my song. That girl took it away from me.” — Otis Redding to producer Jerry Wexler after hearing her version of “Respect” in the studio for the first time, 1967
This is the end, of every song that we sing. The fire burned out to ash, and the stars grown dim with tears...
Idk anymoreI just feel like I’m nothing in a way that I can’t even talk about my interests with anyone because they get bored of me No one listens to me no one cares they all just think of me as a friend that you have to invite not because you want you just hav... See More »
i had one of those thought things todaytheres a frequentlyish asked question that, for whatever reason, has stuck with me this past week: what keeps you going? or something to that effect it occured to me that, everyone - and this is especially true for the younger folks - irrespective... See More »
The Guess Who - These EyesBack then you really f**ked me up ! My mom even refused your calls whenever you called. (3)