So thoughts on whats taking place in USA???Relationships w other countries Social Security possible downfal Federal cutting of Education Project 2025 in full bloom!!!
What are some subtle signs that you're in Jesusland?I'm from the USA but not so much that part of it.
IT'S MY AMERICAWhen I was born the flag stood high above the hospitol door. The crying ALL AROUND ME, destined for life like others before. I seen the states of nature, visited to persue for justice for all is it hurting to be? The shattered dreams... See More ยป (1)
I'm not much into conspiracy theories, but ...An article on survey newspaper yesterday regarding tariffs and trade between us anf the states. Normally we run a trade deficit meaning we buy more from the states than we sell, but the last quarter that changed. And why... It appears the states... See More ยป