"We're doomed! DOOMED!" Poll (5) See Poll OptionsThat's what my neighbour likes to say, and it doesn't take much to encourage him. He's largely joking when he does it, being not entirely serious,... See More »
The global birth rate is tanking..And governments are treating this as "bad news".. Go figure. Now we can discuss the why of it. Birth control in developed countries for women who want careers. Pullotion enetering the population through drugs,antibiotic overload and microplastics as... See More »
Why is vulnerability the worst crime in some places?yes sometimes your special friends will always support u, but thats not what I mean...
Garfield minus GarfieldEvery time I read this comic strip it's sort of like looking into me. I am so glad I have a cat.
Barbarians is Elassar's home, like Glittereater has uncategorized. Poll (6) See Poll OptionsI need my own category. Let's vote/
Had a pretty crappy day tbhThose days when you need a hug but no one to give you one. I wouldn’t say no to a virtual hug