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The global birth rate is tanking..

And governments are treating this as "bad news".. Go figure.
Now we can discuss the why of it. Birth control in developed countries for women who want careers. Pullotion enetering the population through drugs,antibiotic overload and microplastics as well as heavy metals and toxins entering the water supply. Oy 'lifestyles of poor and fad diets and high fat ansodium causing obesity and lowering life expectancy in places like America.
The why isnt important.. But only a few short years ago overpopulation was the problem that was going to make the planet unlivable. And here is the solution presenting itself and governments see it as a problem.. Go Figure..😷
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And in the U.S. add the high maternal mortality rate (not to mention the number of lawmakers who want to make childbirth compulsory) with no affordable healthcare…but plans that want to drop birth control and add Viagra (what is that message ?) No choice even after rape or forced incest.

I can’t see women putting up with that for much longer. 😳
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom I hope you are right. Just remember it has to flush down through the senate and the congress so that real change cant be blocked. And them we come to the states and Supreme court. Which really should be a question at all if the law was thr only factor in their decisions..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman Every right that women have gained in this country, we fought for. Nobody handed it to us. Perhaps we had a "Taliban" moment with the MAGAs but hopefully, enough of us are realizing that we’re not in Afghanistan and are ready to turn things around.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard I sincerely hope so. I wont brand myself as a feminist here. But in my opinion, any society that wastes 50% of its intellectual potential deserves to fail..😷
deadgerbil · 26-30
Governments want to cry about sinking birth rates but don't want to do anything about inflation and corporate greed. Having a kid in this economy makes no sense
It can only be good news for both us and the planet.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It's a societal and economic problem because ageing populations require a critical mass of working age people to support them. So countries with stagnant or falling birth rates will need to be more open to the reality of substantial immigration in the future.
swirlie · F
Not really, Sunshine! And public funding have nothing to do with it. Many women are choosing to avoid having children right now because of the kind of world we live in and the kind of people who are running it in civilized countries. For that reason, woman are saying 'no' right now, or at least are delaying for the foreseeable future.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@swirlie But a family can also be seen as a refuge from public life. If I were capable of producing children myself I might hesitate because of environmental pollution and generally declining standards of living for the young.
swirlie · F
Many women around the world are sharing your thoughts, which is why the birth rate is at it's lowest ever in civilized Nations globally. This means that those same Nations will have no choice but to permit increased immigration to their country, otherwise that critical mass you speak of will not be attained.
Actually, none of those reasons you listed have anything to do with declining birth rates. The main reason is urbanization, which makes having children prohibitively expensive not just in terms of money, but also space and attention. This isn't something that can be reversed with government policy or social welfare programs.

The reason some governments are concerned about this is that the birth rate in some hyper-urbanized countries, like Japan and South Korea, is so low that they are looking at a demographic time bomb. The same thing is happening to some extent in the US and Europe, but it's not as much of a problem as those countries allow immigration. In a few decades, there won't be enough younger working people to support an aging population. However, these countries are also extremely high-tech, so they may not need as many workers in the future. Culturally, east Asia isn't as open to African, south Asian, and Latin American immigrants as the US and Europe are.
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
Doskvol · 31-35, M
Overpopulation was never the problem. Lack of affordable housing was and still is a problem.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Doskvol Because not many people want to live where the land is. No work. No services. no future.. And we are closing in on the peak available fresh water...😷
Doskvol · 31-35, M
@whowasthatmaskedman The vast majority of our "potable" water is poisoned with microplastic, heavy metal, and birth control run off anyway.

You are correct that homes need infrastructure to be attractive, and jobs are a nice plus, but less than 200 years ago most people survived without any of that.

Overpopulation really isn't the issue, and it isn't just a lack of homes, you are right that a functioning economy and infrastructure are pretty vital.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Doskvol OK.. Someone needs a lesson in basic catchment hydrology. (Its amazing the things I have picked up) The climatic water cycle distillate the worlds water supply naturally, so pollutants are naturally filtered until the rain hits the ground again. Therefore the pollution problem is at that level only.
As for the housing, we took a vote and decided it was you and your family who had to live without indoor plumbing, electricity and the internet. (Lets see how you feel about that)
Now one mistake we could unmake is that in the places where long established cities have been for centuries, there was always arable land close by. And thats now been developed for suburbas and housing. So we need to rethink town planning and start using our best land for crops, rather than putting buildings on it..
(That last one was just to show you how great the real problem is.. As a sustainable self cleansing model, this planet is good for maybe half its current population, so that the climate can get ahead of the crap we produce, like those heavy metals and micro plastics.. Anything more than this requires more cost and planned rehabilitation than we have already proved ourselves incapable of..)😷
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
After decades warning of the problems of over-population we're going to go the other way? Or is it the whole "White Replacement" panic?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ChipmunkErnie For some people you may have a point. In many of the developed countries, an aging population is looking to a shortage of yournger tax payers to support them and labour for aged care work..And coincidetally most of those are "white" countries and a lot of the aged care workers are low paid non whites..😷
Northwest · M
The world's population is expected to increase by 2 Billion within the next 25-35 years or so.India went form sub-billion to 1.6B irapildy.
@Northwest The world population is expected to level out at 11 billion sometime this century, then fall slowly.
Northwest · M
@LeopoldBloom World population today is about 8 Billion.. +2 billion = 10 billion. The model I've seen says 11 billion is the peak and it will happen in less than 35 years.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Northwest Thats quite true..Many of our migrants are professionally trained and qualified as well. My own kids went to school with the sons and daughters of Doctors, IT specialists and educators at a tertiery level. Those kids are now in their 40s and having small, less traditional families and in my sons case, he and his wife decided on no kids and two careers. (She is Singapore Chinese)😷
Always gotta have an enemy to distract us from what the ‘good guys’ are doing.
gol979 · 41-45, M
Over population is a myth. But it makes some humans despise themselves, look at themselves as parasites.

Humans can be the gardeners of the world but we are sold another story.
Who the hell would want to have a baby with the way things are right now ? It's crazy !
@pripyatamusementpark Who can afford to have one.
swirlie · F
This can be directly attributed to the over-education of and subsequent over-use of the common latex condom. I on the other hand, was a test-tube baby and therefore have a legitimate reason for having fallen through the cracks.

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