Anniversary - 8/11 - Donald RumsfeldDonald Rumsfeld confirms a missing "2.2 trillion $" in the pentagon budget. Then a plane allegedly flew into the pentagon and obliterated all the files relating to the missing tax/theft payer money the next day. A tall tale imo.
Taxation - Make it VoluntaryI see taxation as theft and many others see it as the glue of social fabric, a moral imperative. They would also count my view as a very, very small minority so it wouldnt effect revenue too much. Do you think that if it was made voluntary the... See More ยป
Weather Manipulation and "Climate Change"Will the proponents of AGW/mainstream climate science mention the now admitted global cloud seeding or keep on about how normal people need to cut down their CO2 emissions with punitive punishments (change your diet, 15 minute cities, tax, fines for... See More ยป
Flash Back Oct 2021 - The Unvaccinated"We know who's not vaccinated, we know where they live, we should be looking at door to door vaccinations" - Scottish Labour leader
Another President ComedianArgentina "elects" a comedian as its president. Global representative democracies are an absolute hoot. Voting is your interactive part in the pre-ordained script. Enjoy the show.
Americas Next Top President - Season 2024Right on time......release Trump. All social media allow Trump back on their platforms all at the same time. Fake hero, fake enemy. All to draw people back into the representative democracy sham. Its an illusion.....none of the political... See More ยป
Anti-War Demo in WashingtonThe Peoples Party and the Libertarian Party organise Rage Against the War Machine on Feb 19, Washington DC. Bravo.
Ideological Conundrum for the Mainstream Left - Ukrainian Refugee in UkHeading back home due to "too many muslims" and feeling uncomfortable due to the different skin tones.
Jacinda - No One is Gonna Miss YaJacinda Ardern, NZ prime minister resigns. My personal favourite: Reporter: so youve basically said that there are 2 different classes of people, vaccinated and unvaxxinated, that you will have more rights if you are vaccinated. Ardern: yes, yep... See More ยป
2023 Predictions?The last few years have been wild. Men can get pregnant. Have to have multiple injections to go night clubbing. Paying more tax will solve "climate change". What are peoples predictions for 2023?
Welcome Back FluAfter a hiatus of 2 years flu is making a come back. "Hospital admissions for flu overtake those for covid for first time since pandemic began" Sly News - UK Just in time for the annual "the nhs is overrun". Maybe we wont get "stay home, save the... See More ยป
Emergency Use Authorisation Given for Covid InjectionIn the uk for 6month old babies - 5 Regardless your opinion of covid i think we can agree giving children this injection is wrong and dangerous. There are reports of babies having heart attacks in the womb of injected mothers, the spike protein... See More ยป
Matt Tiabbi and Glenn Greenwald Being Called Right WingBy the mainstream "left" and mainstream media cohorts. This is actually hilarious and embarrassing
Call For Old Covid ZealotsWhats your opinion now? Still wanting the covid injection mandated? Still think lockdowns work? Still think masks stop virus particles? Still thinking all restrictions were neccessary? Or do have you any questions at this point?
MSM Now Suggesting Covid Protesters in China are BraveYet previous protests have been labelled by the MSM as "dangerous, selfish" etc. Bank accounts were frozen in certain countries. Many people agreed with these draconian measures and i even had a nurse tell me i should be refused health care if i... See More ยป
Covid Injection Adverse EffectsLatest "paper" is now positing that the reason for blood clots and heart issues after the covid injection is due to injection misinfo and "conspiracy theorists". THhe fear generated causes the blood to thicken and also heart problems. Its 100% not... See More ยป
Pfizer and Moderna to investigate..........whether their covid injections cause long term health issues. Most health agencies: "come and get your boosters" This is wrong on every level.
Covid Injection - (Un)Safe and (Un)Effective.Warning. This may cause some serious cognitive dissonance in some. Countries now removing certain age groups from getting boosters due to increased risk of heart issues. 800 covid cases on a fully injected and pre tested cruise ship. We have been... See More ยป
The Atlantic - "Covid Amnesty"Lets forgive and forget what we said to each other during "unknown" times during covid a la The Atlantic Well im all for forgiveness so lets see if anyone who supported the different treatment for fellow humans because they chose not to get an... See More ยป