What life was like in the pre-vaccine erahttps://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2025/03/14/opinion/pre-vaccine-america.html?unlocked_article_code=1.304.k5V8.7ibBGUBk4EUP&smid=em-share Free article from The New York Times
how to face my blood tests with courage and honouri have my annual bloodtests approaching this tuesday, to check on my diabetes and other things, my vital organs presumably....i reversed the diabetes years and years ago through hard work, exercise and watching my diet, but ive gained back 2 stone in... See More »
nervous about blood testsi have my annual bloodtests approaching this tuesday, to check on my diabetes and other things, my vital organs presumably....i reversed the diabetes years and years ago through hard work, exercise and watching my diet, but ive gained back 2 stone in... See More »
I Went To My Primary Care Doctor Yesterday For My 6-Month Checkup…I was the youngest person waiting there. Some of the others were getting over having the flu…yikes.
I deserve a T-shirt, entitled "I Survived A Monster Root Canal!" 😂Yep. I got 'er done! After waiting 4 months to get into the dental office, I traveled 190 miles round trip to the dental school and had 6 shots in my gum, including one on my upper pallete, then a 3-hour long root canal, with no breaks! To top it... See More »
Boobs and dentistsAre a great combination 😆 Im normally very anxious about dentist visits but my dentist seems to really go out of her way to shove her boobs right in my face. Takes all anxiety right away. Haha more dentists should do that for those anxious.
Hospital transport.As some of you know from previous posts, my mother in law had a leg amputated a few months ago and was sent home from hospital with a care package in place ( carers 4 times a day) but very little else to help her cope with her disability. Shes 83... See More »