I know I'm obese and starting to grow man boobs or moobs but still I'm not a mam it's sirLike seriously sure i look like I'm a female that's overweight but that doesn't mean I'm a mam I'm still a sir
What life was like in the pre-vaccine erahttps://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2025/03/14/opinion/pre-vaccine-america.html?unlocked_article_code=1.304.k5V8.7ibBGUBk4EUP&smid=em-share Free article from The New York Times
how to face my blood tests with courage and honouri have my annual bloodtests approaching this tuesday, to check on my diabetes and other things, my vital organs presumably....i reversed the diabetes years and years ago through hard work, exercise and watching my diet, but ive gained back 2 stone in... See More »
nervous about blood testsi have my annual bloodtests approaching this tuesday, to check on my diabetes and other things, my vital organs presumably....i reversed the diabetes years and years ago through hard work, exercise and watching my diet, but ive gained back 2 stone in... See More »
I Went To My Primary Care Doctor Yesterday For My 6-Month Checkup…I was the youngest person waiting there. Some of the others were getting over having the flu…yikes.