Ugh.....feeling unwell.I had salad for lunch yesterday....over 12 hours ago and the damn lettuce is still repeating on me. I began to feel quite unwell by 6pm and skipped tea. Im aching all over....all my joints. I went to bed early, but couldnt sleep. Its 3am. Im... See More ยป
Just Found Out My Boyfriend Has Cancer.I don't know what to say more. The doctor gave him like 2-3 years. This is us. (1)
Bladder spasmsHas anyone ever had bladder spasms. It has to be one of the most painful things a guy can go though. I've been having them for months now and my doctor can't figure out why.
I've noticed that the vast majority of the people in my life who have abused me have diagnosed mental illnessAnd the people of whom I care most about, the majority of abuse they have received has been committed against them by an individual with mental disorders.
What Are Your Favorite Cold Remedies?I drank a Chai tea with honey, now drinking a couple cups of Thyme tea. Had 3 tiny Mandarin oranges. Took some Quercetin and Zinc and will take some Vitamin C. My sinuses are running like a faucet. I have some eucalyptus-mint shower soothers and will... See More ยป