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Anti-War Demo in Washington

The Peoples Party and the Libertarian Party organise Rage Against the War Machine on Feb 19, Washington DC.

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BlueVeins · 22-25
@gol979 No, we just don't think Russia should get to invade a sovereign country when that country's citizens don't want them to. But it wasn't that long ago that you people were drooling with joy at the thought of fighting Saddam Hussein after he invaded a sovereign country, and we didn't just send weapons, we sent soldiers. But that's OK because he had bombs or something.

If Putin was a Muslim, you'd be calling Biden a traitor for not sending American troops over there. You people are such hypocrites.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@LeopoldBloom eh? I think you might be confusing me with someone else....what do you think my view is on the recent middle east wars? Genuinely interested.
@gol979 You just accused lefties of supporting war because Democrats voted along with Republicans to send money and armaments to Ukraine for that country to defend itself from foreign aggression. That's not "supporting war" unless you're against all wars.

Your "lefty" accusation suggests you're a conservative. I follow some conservative outlets, and some of the Russia supporters are making that same accusation, that the left "supports war." These were the same people cheerleading the wars George W. Bush started, so it's not like they have any credibility.

I don't know what your opinion was of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. For all I know, you're a pacifist who doesn't even think we should have a military.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
i was unfamiliar with "the people's party" so i went to their web page. Higher taxes and government run banks intended to push aside todays banks which compete for our business on service and price. Bigger and more government.

what they have in common with the libertarian party is a mystery. libertarians would be appalled at these ideas.

hope these 2 groups either remain ignorant of each others motives, or agree to march together while unarmed. the potential for violent disagreement seems significant.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@LeopoldBloom i call this the "Game of Thrones" party

1. Brothels everywhere
2. Underage sex
3. No apparent taxation (unless you lose a war)
4. Mead, ale, milk of the poppy, and dornish wine available to all ages
5. No public schools
@SusanInFlorida They didn't have government regulations in GoT either. If an innkeeper waters his wine, don't drink there I guess.

I despise libertarians almost as much as I despise fascists.
@SusanInFlorida I just looked at the People's Party website. Seems to be the same platform the Peace and Freedom party has had for the last 50 years. I don't get why we need a new left wing party; we already have the Greens. If all of these groups would just get together, they might actually get some traction.

"Oh, we can't join up with those guys. They want 12 weeks of paid parental leave and we want 16 weeks"
Northwest · M
Which war? I heard there's a war in Ukraine, Putin attacked Ukraine. The protest might work better, if it was organized in Moscow. Turns out we're not sending troops to fight in Ukraine.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Northwest yemen? Or are you pro war in yemen too? billions to the war machine whilst domestic population suffer economically.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Shouldn't the protest be in Moscow since Russia started the war?
Politics makes strange bedfellows. That may be the only issue those two groups agree on.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
@msros The war against (insert bs social justice cause here).
@msros NATO. Your endless war. Or what you might call...."....".
carpediem · 61-69, M
Maybe they will loot a few places to make it all worth the effort. 🙄
@carpediem maybe war is worse?
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Roundandroundwego Yes….this looting event, I mean protest will stop all wars. LMAO. That’s wonderful. Send them my best.

By the way, I wear a size 12 shoe if someone happens to see a lonely pair of boat shoes while loo….protesting.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
Oh the irony that 2 Conservative parties use a name clearly inspired by a leftist band
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
A name that clearly is a reference to leftist band rage against the machine
Everyone who can should go.
Northwest · M

And how is the US involved in the Yemen war? and How are we

Or are you pro war in yemen too?

This implies I'm pro war. That's a stupid statement to make.

billions to the war machine whilst domestic population suffer economically.

We're spending $Bs on the war in Yemen. Do you even know what the war in Yemen is about? Happy to educate you.
@gol979 Billions, maybe. Trillions, no way. That's an extraordinary claim that requires a credible citation.

That being said, a lot of that money goes to private contractors. It's not like it's sitting in a vault at the DoD or going into some general's Swiss bank account. As I mentioned before, most of that money is plowed back into the economy. Here in Georgia a few years ago during sequestration, some people were concerned about a mini-recession because the state's economy is so dependent on the federal military expenditures at all the bases here. That's money that eventually makes its way into citizens' pockets.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@LeopoldBloom "trillions, no way". You have the internet at your fingertips. Just type in "pentagon cant account for trillions" and you will have a raft of what you will deem credible sources. Have a read, let me know what you think
@gol979 Wow, you're right. One of the first articles was on in Forbes (a credible source as far as I know) that said $21 trillion in DOD and HUD spending is unaccounted for. AOC has also pointed this out as it would fund 66% of Medicare for All even before premiums were charged. However, this doesn't necessarily mean the money was stolen; it could just be sloppy accounting. What's interesting is how OIG has audited this and isn't releasing the results.
Holidaze · 18-21, F
That's so stupid. America isn't at war and Biden doesn't want one.
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