Its actually kinda funny that those who accuse pro palestian supporters of being "anti semitic" whilst dismissing all palestian people as hamasSupporters. Going by this bizzare way of thinking then surely that makes them islamophobic
Animal farm and 1984 are warnings against allowing autocratic leaders to make decisions for society.And what happens when the working class dont take charge of their own destinies
Wonder how many American republicans knowThat republicanism started as a leftist ideology thanks to the french revolution
Nazis were not socialists
A big reason i think a lot of comic book filmsHavent been popular is because they seem to have been made more in order to play catch up after covid disrupted everything. Theyve prioritised making products that are very by the numbers as opposed to making unique superhero films. They're... See More »
This is a very interesting book See More »
Wonder why some who say they're christiansDon't seem to treat others like they would would want be treated or love their neighbours
Genuinely amuses me that people who've never read any of karl marxs writingsThink they can express an opinion on his views
A quote by keir hardie.Im not a religious person. But this type of Christianity i can get behind ‘Those of us who for many years past have practically deserted the religious platform, have not done so because our faith in religion has grown less, but because the Church... See More »
Funny that people think socialism is when the government does stuff.Yet this is in the 1st american constitution amendment Freedom to petition: The right to ask the government to fix
Im in 2 camps when it comes to oasis.In one, i Find both irritating morons. In the other is the nostalgic camp as i still remember absolutely loving them as a kid and teen