Its honestly pretty funny that jordan kermit PetersonRecommends people read george orwells "the road to wigan pier"
I admire keir hardie for forming the labour party and for having strong convictions which he didnt compromise
If These so called "edgy " comedians reallyWant to upset people whilst making others laugh they should take lessons from sascha baron cohen and rowan atkinson. Say controversial things behind a cartoonishly stupid character who is unaware that they are being insensitive
So let me get this straight.When people advocate for the freedom of palestine and criticise israel for its horrendous violence they are "anti semitic ". But when its musk giving the nazi salute its him being "autistic"? Ridiculous nonsense.
Trumps moronic claim about genders is proofThat America is only a "free country " if you agree with the status quo
Went to see nosferatu earlier. Really good film.Honours the original 1922 classic but with its own flavour
Interesting that martin Luther king jr is seen asA centrist. Especially by those with right leaning views. But back in his day he was demonised as a communist due to his anti capitalist. anti racist. Anti Vietnam and pro labour rights ideals
Its actually kinda funny that those who accuse pro palestian supporters of being "anti semitic" whilst dismissing all palestian people as hamasSupporters. Going by this bizzare way of thinking then surely that makes them islamophobic
Animal farm and 1984 are warnings against allowing autocratic leaders to make decisions for society.And what happens when the working class dont take charge of their own destinies
Wonder how many American republicans knowThat republicanism started as a leftist ideology thanks to the french revolution