People seem to be waking up now, if you look on the government Facebook page, they posted a 2 year anniversary for the devil juice. Lol the comments are great nearly 40k
@jshm2 Gotta love a battle of the experts. Your expert class is out classed by the anti vax experts. Trust me Fauci is not "The Science". He is a mass murderer who paid for the creation of the virus using US tax payer's money.
@Gangstress it was a farce from day 1. The deliberately generated wearing off, people will become less compliant. Either the parasites walk away or try and implement their goals through force
Who are you radiation fascists to tell me to wear a special suit around plutonium? I've got rights, and I don't believe your so-called statistics. Show me one real person who's gotten radiation sickness from handling plutonium.
@LordShadowfire bs variant kraken = plutonium poisoning/radiation sickness?? Eh?? No wonder you are irrationally frightened. Let go of the fear bud. And you of all ppl shouldnt be scared. Dont your magic masks and injections protect you? (Lets see what random phrases you bring up this time or will you stick with plutonium?)