It’s like a piece of me is missing… stolen even 🇦🇺When I was around 13, so 1999, my dad was visiting England and we were down the local pub. It was in Luton and called “The Heron” While having a pint in the pub garden, kids ran from place to place. Brit rock was playing in the background. Men... See More »
God I hope this is babylon bee level trolling…Indestructible passport which just happens to be related to a country we want WW3 with… what are the odds? (1)
That face you make when you’re looking at 20 years of being reamed by jarome in prison..For scratching a Tesla (1)
Is it just me.. or are these NBA basketball doods taking 3-4 steps on the way to a dunk?SKY sports news.. (1)
the time for voluntary sausage mcmuffin consumption has run out. its now mandated..for your own safety and well being.. non compliance will result in Gulag.. (1)
Tomorrow’s babylon bee headline..Obama appointed judge orders Elon to take stranded astronauts back!! (1)