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Covid Injection - (Un)Safe and (Un)Effective.

Warning. This may cause some serious cognitive dissonance in some.

Countries now removing certain age groups from getting boosters due to increased risk of heart issues.

800 covid cases on a fully injected and pre tested cruise ship.

We have been lied to on an epic scale. TIme to face that lie.
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butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
The original three mrna vaccines are ineffective at producing artificial antibodies that correctly detect spike protein signatures of current variants hence why there is so much re-infection and immune escape despite very high (esp here in Oz) multi-jab rate. Now people here are being pushed to get a 5th jab of the exact same product(s) . Never getting the jabs.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@butterflybaby75 Neither am i. Since July this year I have been excluded from the NSW RFS (volunteer fire/emergency service) after 21 yrs of being a member because on July 1 the RFS implemented it's Covid vax mandate barring all unvaxed volunteers from active duty. My job never forced staff to get jabbed but the NSW RFS (and the NSW SES) forced volunteers to all get jabbed or else.
This is the misnomer of not understanding vaccines and how they work and are developed. A vaccine is ONLY developed AFTER a strain or variant has appeared. So vaccines are always playing catch up. In history vaccinations have worked to eradicate diseases........."IF"......the public was willing to get vaccinated. Smallpox and Polio for instance. Vaccines only stop the spread of the disease if a high percentage of the population gets that vaccine. in instances where denial of vaxes working.......or misinformation campaigns circulate lies about them to cause mass hysteria leading to refusal to take the vaccines then huge portions of the population can be infected and that allows new variants to develop in un vaxxed hosts. The cruise ship had not one case of COVID 19............the original disease. But it did have 800 cases of variant COVID. That indicates that the original strain of COVID has not been the infecting people.......only the variants that no vaccines exists for..............yet. And they won't exist until AFTER that variant emerges. So the idea vaxxes don't work is a lie. What don't work is assuming al vaxxes are hoaxes so you do not get one but then get sick and say see I told ya so.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@anythingoes477 bragging about orange man. What are you on about?

You should be on your knees taking his wotsit......youve already taken donalds MAGA jabs. Good boy 👍
@gol979 trumpers don't just act gay for trump....it seems that cant stop reminding everyone else they are flaming gay by always talking about gay sex. Wow...sickening.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@anythingoes477 surprise you managed that, hard to chat with a mouthful of orange wotsit and the magic MAGA juice flowing through your veins

Still awaiting the evidence of me praising trump that you said i wrote? I will wait
Carissimi · F
And world leaders, at the G20, are onboard with vaccine passports, when Pfizer already admitted to the EU that they never tested for transmission, and we know it doesn’t stop infection or transmission. What a scam they are still trying to pull on us.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
You get that from the CDC or Qanon?
@Subsumedpat might be all the sudden death happening everywhere?
What you think?
Ignore the evidence of our eyes n ears?

Bloody Qannon crap.. gtfo of here
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Subsumedpat you seem to be disagreeing with something in the post. Please elaborate
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robb65 · 56-60, M
I saw a post on another site recently. The condensed version is they got the latest shot, they had a really bad reaction, they are sooo thankful they got it and would get another every day if their doctor would let them. WTF are these people smoking?
pdockal · 56-60, M
This is why i didn't get shot
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
The liars should hang for this.

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