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Covid Injection Adverse Effects

Latest "paper" is now positing that the reason for blood clots and heart issues after the covid injection is due to injection misinfo and "conspiracy theorists". THhe fear generated causes the blood to thicken and also heart problems.

Its 100% not the experimental mrna injection.

Surely even the covid and injection zealots are having issues with this latest line?
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Early on my alarm bells went off, I couldn’t prove it but I looked into it deeper, I could see so many comments online saying the opposite of that they said.
Safe and effective.
Trust the science.
One thing I’ve learnt, if you have to put, Safe, effective, trust, in front of a word to get people to take it. 💉

hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@SW-User I have come to the conclusion that 'the science' is a science free environment. In truth there is no misinformation/disinformation. There is simply information you agree with or disagree with. If you are seeking to silence the opposing view you are not doing science. You are doing a huge disservice.

Science what we are told is a load of bollocks. Simple as….
History is Bs too, I could go on and on.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User Nonstop propaganda from many sources was a strong clue to me. Using scare tactics, threats to jobs & education, and giving tacky rewards such as donuts or lottery tickets etc just made me even more skeptical.
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Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@hippyjoe1955 I know people who caught covid and I have no evidence of people dying after covid injections
But there is plenty of fake news
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Strictmichael75 I caught covid. It was a very mild cold. Far more people have and are being killed by the vax than the virus. The deaths from the virus were in the main caused by medical malpractice. Effective treatments denied killer treatments mandated. Not to mention the number of deaths attributed to covid that were in fact caused by something else. Then there was the brilliant idea of putting covid patients into nursing homes. This was a planned event and the vax is designed to be a mass killer. It is shown to be highly successful in that regard. Try watching the movie Died Suddenly.
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They truly believe that mass population is some kind of biomass without any ability to think and will swallow anything.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@SW-User some will adopt this line but its getting to a smaller mass of ppl. Notice these posts arent generating the "debate" they used to. Lets hope the lie is being faced and not memory holed
Tanoos · 41-45, F
one of the worst things happens, covid injection with booster dose
Diaermatty · 56-60, M
@HoraceGreenley pice of shit should say
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@Diaermatty that's the other side of the mug
Atlotto · M
Now where did I put that popcorn meme
AdaXI · T
I keep this one close for these situations, LOLZ!😅
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
When almost everyone I know who got vaxed has had some sort of bad reaction to the vax it is amazing that anyone can truthfully say that they don't know anyone who has had a bad reaction. TBH when they say that "they don't know anyone who has had a bad reaction my first instinct is to call them a liar. I know of 4 deaths caused by the vax. If in my small circle there have been 4 deaths......
Amylynne · 26-30, F
listening to a podcast about some of this
deep dive into conspiracy
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TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@Stereoguy The more and more the adverse effects come out in public, then I will form an opinion about it. For now, just observing.
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gol979 · 41-45, M
@Stereoguy yep. Should be a choice

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