Tips for pizza delivery?I have a Domino's literally one mile from my apartment. It is literally on the same street as me. I placed a delivery order for two large pizzas. What do you think the tip should be? And to anyone who has done pizza delivery, why do companies... See More »
I built my movement traysBut then I got bored while filling the gaps and did a health and safety audit instead. Now I'm having pizza for lunch. Pretty sure something is wrong with me that I get bored that easily nowadays
fresh pizza for one person...frozen pizza way overpriced and yuckyslice of sourdough bread buttered and grill both sides...when ready to flip grill other side, add sauce, cheese and toppings.
What's your favourite pizza?Off to get one soon. I like lots of pizzas, especially ham, mushroom and sometimes pepperoni. Even pineapple lol.
Online pizzaHere in Sweden we have some online pizza and the most wellknown of them are PizzaHut and When I feel for a tasty pizza I always log in to my account on and make an order and pay online then if I want something extra on my pizza... See More »