Well. I'm one step away now. I've accepted the offer from the university.This is my backup. Now all I have to do is get a distinction grade in the final unit of the diploma I'm currently working on. Once that final hurdle is passed, I've achieved something ludicrous. I've known about this offer for more than a... See More » (2)
I’m a graduate of the Charles University in Prague.Charles University (CUNI; Czech: Univerzita Karlova, UK; Latin: Universitas Carolina; German: Karls-Universität), or historically as the University of Prague (Latin: Universitas Pragensis), is the largest university in the Czech Republic. It is one... See More »
Story from universityIn my second year i had a friend that after getting out of a exam said that it gone so well that he is going to score a 20 or very close to it. People may not believe it is true but he score a literal zero. To this day i still poke him with this.... See More »
Waiting for general open registration is causing me to stress a bit.I really need them specific classes, and watching them slowly fill up is a weird new kind of anxiety.
My parents congratulated me very warmly and it set in that I graduated🥲I was sooo happy to go back to school once more at a different Uni. And to think time has passed so fast makes me sad :(