Do you remember when Donald Trump was denying any connection to the Heritage Foundation?Gone are those days. Here is a Heritage Foundation survey you can take to tell them precisely what you think of the job they are doing.... See More »
Former Oregon judge who refused to marry same-sex couples appointed to Trump administration
Trump's transition team turns to Project 2025 after disavowing it during the campaign As I said.
Out of curiosity, how many Constitutional amendments is too many for Mr. Trump to overturn, conservatives?He has already attempted to overturn the 14th Amendment, and his lackeys are busy trying to find ways to overturn the 22nd Amendment. How many more must he attack before you stop defending him as a protector of the Constitution?
It has already started.Within hours of Donald Trump making the announcement that he was going to rescind employment protection for trans people, companies all around the country started firing them. No reason was given, or at most, they were told it was for bookkeeping... See More »
Isn't it funny how the right seems to be defined by isms and phobias these days?Racism. Sexism. Heteronormatism. Transphobia. Xenophobia. One wonders what would happen were they to let go of all the fear. Ah, but without that fear, they might become compassionate toward others. Mustn't have that.
At long last, our resident Russia apologist admits that she wants to destroy "the West".And round and round we go.
Oh, dear. Did I say something wrong?All I did was respond to this post: I do not think this person enjoys being reminded that Israel is committing genocide. It offends them. So by all means, do not go... See More »
I'm afraid I don't know what to do with this section now.I have no further desire to line the pockets of the man who purchased the presidency.
Imagine voting for an America run by religious extremists and rich oligarchs.This was tried once before, and was called the Dark Ages.
At this stage, does it do any good to pretend that Elon Musk is not the de facto leader of the United States?
Because this has been a topic of contentious debate, I provide to you the following links from the Department of Justice.Here is a list of everyone pardoned by President Donald Trump during his first term of office: Here is a list of everyone pardoned by President Joseph Biden during his... See More »
I find it endlessly amusing when fascist supporters make unsupported claims, then attempt to support their claims with name calling and insults.One wonders, is that the sort of persuasive argument that works on them? Were I to refer to them as "MAGATS" or some such, would it cause them to respond positively and change their opinions? Are they treating me the way they wish to be treated?
I have made a decision, my friends.After months of space travel and several attempts to gather a crew to resume my old life as a space pirate, I have given up on ever returning to that life. However, I also do not wish to return to my own people. Earth is far more fascinating, even as... See More »
Now that Donald Trump has won the election, he has seen fit to admit that he lied about being able to lower grocery prices. What else has he lied about, one wonders. Perhaps a journey through Google will tell us. Jeffrey Epstein details close relationship with Trump in... See More » (1)
Hello, all. I am checking in via my "Relay Across Vast Expanses Network" satellites.How goes life under the Trump administration? Has he obliterated the country yet?
Well, it seems I picked a poor time to return to Earth.I think I shall return to my life of space piracy. It is objectively less frightening than what you lot will be going through.
Imagine thinking it is appropriate to respond to a comment with a picture of a dead raven...¬if_id=300066781¬if_uid=1257630 This was clearly meant as a threat of violence against my person. Par for the course with the MAGA cult.
I have chosen to return to Earth from my self-induced exile.I have missed my time in Sherwood, and on this platform.