is it a good idea to move back to where I used to live?was wondering if I should move back to where I used to live in upstate NY, I'm in Colorado now and been in this place for about 13 yrs , I used to work in resorts but had to quit cause of two hip implants and a knee surgery, I'm in an apt bldg, I had... See More »
wondered if my neighbor has dementiatoday, she was doing laundry and when she was going to take the elevator to her apt, she was saying stuff like wheres the elevator? it was right where she was near the washer and dryer but she was walking the halls looking for it, I told her where it... See More »
Am I wrong to not want to give my magazine subscriptions to someone anymore cause she ran over my foot with her scooterI get woman's world and first for woman as a subscription in the mail, I was being nice to a neighbor and would give them to her after I read them, almost a month ago we had this christmas party where I live in the lobby, she uses a scooter sometimes... See More »
how to make sure what I mail gets thereI've had 2 situations where I mailed something that never got there and they were both important, one was some paperwork to my doctor to fill out so I could get para transit, I mailed it twice and she never got any of it, then when I messaged her... See More »
Anyone ever get someone elses mail but don't notice that till you open it?I've had that happen a couple of times, I think its mine cause it was with my mail only to find out its not. a couple of days ago I got this letter and I was wondering why housing was writing me, I opened it and saw it was a form to fill out and it... See More »
Anyone ever get a phone call from a friend you thought died?I was friends with this older lady for yrs, used to go to church with her and out to eat sometimes too, and she'd call me too sometimes. one time a yr and a half ago when I didn't see her for a yr I asked someone about her and she told me that she... See More »
anyone ever have a private investigator try to scam you?I got this email a couple of days ago, someone said they were sending me this phone for $277, I called the number and told them I didn't order it and not to ship it. the girl I talked to transferred me to this other guy who said he was a private... See More »
anyone ever have a mole on their foot biopsied?I see a foot doctor once in a while cause of fungus issues, the last time I went I said something like look at the moles only cause I've never noticed them before being there, kind of like out of conversation, he looked at them and said one was... See More »
why didn't the foot doctor place tell me they were closed the day they gave me my appt?I was supposed to go to the foot doctor place, I had an appt to get my toenails cut, I see a foot doctor there too cause I've had fungus on my toenails, they're almost gone now since ive been using probiotics and garlic, those kill fungus, my appt... See More »
had a question about movingI used to live in upstate NY in syr, and I've wanted to move back cause I don't like it here where I am in Colorado, don't have friends to go out with, even in church people never want to do stuff with me after church, I've never married or had kids... See More »
is it a fire hazard for my neighbor to put her christmas tree against a steam heat in the hallway?one of my neighbors likes to put her christmas tree up by the heater every christmas, its near the laundry room, and out in the hallway, its not a real tree but she puts it too close to a steam heater, i tried to get her to put it further away but... See More »
about that guy on oxygen ive been asking aboutabout a wk ago i reported him to the management thats over my manager, my manager was on vacation so i talked to him about it. i noticed now that when he goes out to smoke he dont have his oxygen on, the girl that cleans told me his nurse told him he... See More »
about my questioni noticed that when i ask a question on here lately and then i goggle something about it, my question shows up on google, like when i was asking about the guy smoking on oxygen and later goggle something about people smoking on oxygen my question... See More »
about the guy that smokes on oxygen in my bldgmy apt manager is on vacation right now and the person thats over him took over a couple of days, i guess its his manager, since my manager was too busy moving people to the new apt bldg he wouldnt deal with the guy smoking on oxygen so i told his... See More »
what to do about someone smoking on oxygenI wrote a question about this a couple of wks ago, a new guy that moved into my bldg is on oxygen and constantly smoking, and i mean constantly, hes outside from morning till nighttime, literally, ive seen him out the window and everytime i go... See More »
anyone else ever had their bank card shut down for nothingive been using the same bank for yrs, theres been about 3 or 4 times when they shut my card down when i was the only one using it, i have a debit card, i usually dont use cash and just use a debit card unless i have to get quarters for laundry,... See More »
what should i do if a new neighbor is smoking while on oxygen?he was smoking outside and i mentioned it to him about smoking while on oxygen, he shut it off but still i heard even if you shut it off it can still start fires, people in my bldg smoke but i think its even more stupid to do it while on oxygen, even... See More »
how can i stop all these silent calls i get on my landline phonei keep getting calls on there and they wont talk and keep calling , i block their number and they still call, im getting to the point where i cant even go to the bathrm and they call, i reported it to the donotcall list im on but they still call, any... See More »
how do i deal with a next door neighbor that has really bad psych issues?not sure what her problem is, i think she could have something like schizophrenia, my sister had it and she had a case manager seeing her all the time, my neighbor has one, i heard she had a bubble on her brain and ive heard her cough a lot like shes... See More »
How can I make friends when people are discriminating against me for being short?Im only 4ft5, I was able to make friends when i was younger but now that im 62, noone wants to make friends with me, not even in church, i live in an apt building and my neighbors never knock on my door to visit but they knock on everyone elses door,... See More »
how can i stop getting other people's mail by mistake?theres been times when ive gotten someone elses mail by mistake, 2 wks ago, my maillady handed me my mail and when i was looking at the last one i thought it was mine so i opened it and found a check in it, i looked at it trying to figure out whos it... See More »
Has anyone ever taken collagen?ive been doing it since sept, my calcium level was high and i have osteopenia and got an article on my email about how collagen helps with it so i started taking it, when i did some bloodwork recently for my kidney doctor my calcium level is back to... See More »
is it legal for an apt to make you move from one apt to another , take everything with you and back 2 wks later?theyre renovating and its too much work for me since ive got medical issues to deal with, theyre going to have movers but still, i feel bad for this lady thats blind cause she wont even know where her stuff is, so is it legal to do that?
Is it possible that some people are racist towards short people?Im 4ft5, I find since ive lived here about 11 yrs, people dont seem to want to befriend me much, other places where i used to lived i would go hang out with people all the time, maybe cause i was younger back then, and even when i worked in resorts i... See More »
how can i help someone i know is homeless?i know someone thats homeless, shes sleeping outside one of the churches here, she had her birthcertificate stolen and id, she did get another birthcertificate, just wondered if she sleeps outside a church why cant they let her in instead of making... See More »