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why didn't the foot doctor place tell me they were closed the day they gave me my appt?

I was supposed to go to the foot doctor place, I had an appt to get my toenails cut, I see a foot doctor there too cause I've had fungus on my toenails, they're almost gone now since ive been using probiotics and garlic, those kill fungus, my appt was yesterday, when I get to the place noone was there, I took a paratransit ride, I don't drive, I went to ask this other place that was in the same bldg why there was no one there, I don't think they knew, it could've been cause of the holidays but they should've called me and rescheduled it, then they get mad if others don't show up when they do the same thing. one of the other ladies I was asking about why the place was closed offered me a ride back so I cancelled my bus and rode with her so I wouldn't have to wait so long for the bus to come back, so why is it places like that don't like it when people don't show up but they do that themselves and I had a dark line on my toenail I wanted someone to look at cause I heard that could be skin cancer but couldn't see anyone, thinking of going somewhere else since they cant respect me enough to let me know no one will be there, has this happened to someone else too?
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Uph!!! I’m very sorry that they did this to you ….

I’d get really mad … I’d call them and let them know how rude and inconvenient they have been to you …

There are still good people in this word .. I’m talking about the old lady .. 🤗🥰💕🌸

Lol … only old ladies are that kind … 🤣

I’m in my 60’s and I feel young … lol 🥰🌸
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@Soossie Compared to me, you are young. 😊
seaglass · F
Often people who are taking our money for services are of the mind: Do as I say, not as I do, or you'll be penalized. Since they are the ones providing the service, they can do as they please and it doesn't have a negative impact on them so they don't really care how it affects us.
Confined · 56-60, M
Id tell them you spend money to come to an appt that did not exist. Adv them to pay you back or you will take them to court and sue them. Plus it will be all over social media and you will make them loose money. They will most likely give you the money back or enough of a credit so you wont have to pay.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Talk about a misstep (pun intended ).
it's so annoying when that happens

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