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about the guy that smokes on oxygen in my bldg

my apt manager is on vacation right now and the person thats over him took over a couple of days, i guess its his manager, since my manager was too busy moving people to the new apt bldg he wouldnt deal with the guy smoking on oxygen so i told his manager that was covering for him, he said in some places its an immediate eviction and that hes also seen this lady blow up cause of oxygen, i think hes dealing with it but im not allowed to know the results of it cause its confidential, anyways, i went to throw out some trash right now and he was screaming at me cause he said i snitched on him, wondered how he knew it was me, dont think they would tell him, he said i shouldve talked to him about it instead, i just told him i didnt want to talk to him, now hes mad at me for it, i dont think the manager told him, he probably just guessed, it wouldnt have done any good to talk to him cause he'll do whatever he wants to do anyways. do you think he got evicted? how do i deal with him in the meantime, not in the mood to get yelled at. i know i did the right thing cause i was talking to someone that would listen. any ideas of how to avoid him, hes outside all the time i need to throw out trash and id like to do it without getting yelled at
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
if he yells at you
1) call the cops and get a police report
2) file for a restraining order
3) tell the apartment manager

you're going to have to get proactive if he's behaving in a threatening manner

make sure you tell the cop that his actions are putting you in fear
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@Pretzel @pearllederman

oh and keep in mind - he's on oxygen - no doubt you can outrun him
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
A woman who was on oxygen & who was renting a room from a family here about 12 years ago was smoking in her room & blew it up, she died in the fire and the family escaped. The man told me that he had warned her not to smoke inside the home or around her oxygen tank.
You’ve done the right thing …

He’s not going to yell at you for the rest of his life and soon this will be stopped… until then try to avoid him as much as possible or ignore him if he ever gets the chance to yell at you again …🤗❤️🌹🥰
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
You need to talk to the apartment manager about this and tell him you're going to call the police on that tenant. Not only is he risking his life while smoking with an oxygen tank, he's endangering the lives of the other tenants.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@pearllederman was not a case of you grassed on him at the manager should of daelt with this . smoking while on a pressurised gas is crazy what was this thinking about
cecile · F
just ignore him turn his tank off if he annoys you or squeeze the pipe lol
can you live stream this? i'll pay
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@SW-User i dont even know how to do that,and if he sees me doing it he will get even more mad
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Lesson in minding your own business.
@MrBrownstone He will be gone soon after the eviction is carried out.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@NativePortlander1970 Then why worry about it?
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Gusman · 61-69, M
Just ignore him if he is nasty. Do not feed his tirade. With luck this will be dealt with appropriately.
Dude has some sort of death wish. He wants to go out with a bang. Hope you aren’t around when it happens.
If he yells at you, whack him with the trash. If he yells at your for that, just say that you saw trash and just instinctually threw the trash. lol just kidding.. kinda.
Being on assisted oxygen myself, you did the right thing.

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