Previously I have shown Aussie animals and Birds(50s) PINNEDHow about some Plants? Waratah Floral Emblem of New South Wales Very beautiful in a variety of colours - including Red, Pink, Yellow and White Red being the dominant colour because birds are more attracted to red than any other colour. Grows mostly... See More » (12)
Australia's termite eating Numbat PINNEDThere are only no more than 1000 of them left in the world. Only found in the Dryandra Woodlands, near Narrogin and the other at Perup Nature Reserve, near Manjimup. Both places in Western Australia (5)
Two and a half hours to get these shots PINNEDSplendid Fairy Wrens are forever flitting here and there. Never being still for more than two or three seconds. Then the camera has to be pointed at them, focussed on them and the shot taken before the little blighters are out of shot. I set my... See More » (3)
Looking at my G Mail page I notice my storage allowance is 15 GBCurrent Usage is 0.14 GB. Got as high as 0.16 GB one time. Until I deleted the superfluous stuff
Filled my car with petrolWent inside, got a self serve coffee as well, the attendant said something which I could not understand. I simply said, "I have no idea what you said" I did think I heard "fuel" Surely he was not asking if I was going to pay for the fuel as well with... See More »
Did you know the Patriot in the US Patriot Act is an acronym?"Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" Who knew?
What can you add to this frivolous post?A Flock of Cows A Gaggle of Frogs A Conundrum of Octopus A...
Corella Chick being fed by MumRepost for those members who have not seen this cute video. I love being given the opportunity to show the world the beauty of our natural environment. Corellas are plentiful so there will always be the chance happening worthy of a video or... See More » (1)
Something I do not understand about 72 hour anti-perspirantHow can this be true? Surely for such a claim to be valid, one would not be able to shower for 3 days? I shower daily, washing underarms obviously. So this is a false claim?
Short video of a Buff Banded Rail familyI first spotted this Rail, with another, most likely it's partner, at least 3 months ago. As soon as I was spotted, these birds ran off into the undercover. Very shy, seems like they do not like being observed. Mostly terrestrial bird the size of a... See More » (1)
Man of Aran - 1934Man of Aran is a 1934 Irish fictional documentary (ethnofiction) film shot, written and directed by Robert J. Flaherty about life on the Aran Islands off the western coast of Ireland. It portrays characters living in premodern conditions, documenting... See More » (1)
For some reason unknown to me I lost access to my Wi-Fi networkWhen I looked into it, Nothing appeared. Ethernet - not connected. For someone not at all tech savvy this was a problem. Thought I would have to take my laptop to the computer people tomorrow. Kept searching, somehow found how to at least get access... See More »
Any member know how furryface is faring?It has been 12 months since he last posted. I hope he is well and getting along okay.
Australia to phase out live sheep trade by 2028The first live sheep export was in 1845, Mauritius and Singapore were the first to accept our sheep. We export to at least 17 countries including Vietnam, Israel, Qatar, Lebanon, China, Turkey and Russia, to name a few. Personally I feel pleased that... See More »
Corella Chick being fed by MumI love being given the opportunity to show the world the beauty of our natural environment. Corellas are plentiful so there will always be the chance happening worthy of a video or photograph. (1)
A man has been seriously injured in a kangaroo attack on his way to the shopsAuthorities say the man in his 50s was walking to his car. A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesperson said the man suffered severe wounds to his chest and deep lacerations to his arms. He was taken to Emerald Hospital then flown to Rockhampton... See More » (1)
Is this what is called getting in early?Watching television, an advert came on for a shoe store Boxing Day sale. 🙄 😄
Typical SW Western Australia bushA short distance from Armadale, thick Marri/Jarrah bush. Not so thick that it is impenetrable, but thick enough to have to back track at times. The spiders I talk about, and avoid the web of are the Beautiful yellow and black Christmas Spider. (2)
My latest Aussie animal videoWestern Grey Kangaroos A mother and her Joey. Pinnaroo Memorial Park is a quite place for the Kangaroos to visit. Although they abide humans, these Kangaroos are wild. There are no fences surrounding the Memorial Park. Audio is not too good.... See More » (1)
Galah preening her mateGalahs show great affection to each other. Preening their mate consolidates the bond. When we see this action it is most often around their face as this is very sensitive area. (1)
What's new in health? Vocal test for diabetesA small piece in today's paper states; A 25 second voice recording could be used to help identify if someone has type 2 diabetes. This is based on a discovery people with the condition have a "voice signature". Researchers at the Luxemborg Institute... See More »
Doc Martin's wife Louisa wants another babyDoc agrees to another baby. Louisa - Your planning an early night then? Doc - No, your not Ovulating 😄