Previously I have shown Aussie animals and Birds(50s) PINNEDHow about some Plants? Waratah Floral Emblem of New South Wales Very beautiful in a variety of colours - including Red, Pink, Yellow and White Red being the dominant colour because birds are more attracted to red than any other colour. Grows mostly... See More » (12)
Australia's termite eating Numbat PINNEDThere are only no more than 1000 of them left in the world. Only found in the Dryandra Woodlands, near Narrogin and the other at Perup Nature Reserve, near Manjimup. Both places in Western Australia (5)
Two and a half hours to get these shots PINNEDSplendid Fairy Wrens are forever flitting here and there. Never being still for more than two or three seconds. Then the camera has to be pointed at them, focussed on them and the shot taken before the little blighters are out of shot. I set my... See More » (3)
A song with a difference for all you night owlsFarewell Aunty Jack The coming of Colour Television in Australia. 11.57pm, Friday 28th February 1975 Aunty Jack Show (2)
There is a new manager at my workplaceHe has been here for a month and is an over zealous micro manager. The place is no longer the harmonious work site it once was. So I have decided to look for work elsewhere. I have lodged an application yesterday. I will not delude myself, at 64, the... See More »
A most bizarre story from Australia A Melbourne woman has been convicted but avoided jail after she retrieved a dead man's toes from a bin at an animal shelter where she was working. The... See More »
Australia hosts lots of foreign touristsAs do many other countries. Lancelin is a beach side town 120km north of Perth. Last census (2021) has the population at 746. This number swells to about 2400 at the height of summer. I was there yesterday and came across this signage in the public... See More » (1)
I photographed two beautiful birds today.I went for a drive to Moore River - 100kms from Perth. First capture was this great Rufous Whistler. Second bird was the magnificent Scarlet Robin. This one is a female of the species. (5)
Dolly Parton gives a few insights into her late husband, Carl Dean"Carl and I spent a wonderful 60 years together." Parton met Carl outside the Wishy Washy Laundromat the day she moved to Nashville at 18. "I was surprised and delighted that while he talked to me he looked at my face." He seemed genuinely interested... See More »
18 hours in the life of GusmanSunday evening, Rockingham foreshore, I hear several police car sirens coming my way. Go and have a stickybeak. There is a street fight. Two males going hell for leather. The place is full of families enjoying a beautiful evening. 3 police cars... See More »
Water Ski Park south of Perth.Perth Wake Park is the only cable wakeboard park in Western Australia. It is located 30 minutes south of Perth city on Mundijong Rd, Baldivis. The park offers a range of features including a full size main cable, a beginner specific cable, a step up... See More » (1)
Momma Corella giving her bub a good clean and preen22 minutes showing a Mother's love towards her offspring. Corella Parents continue to care for their chicks for about 4 weeks after the fledging can leave the confines of the nest which is around the 7 week stage. (1)
It is a long weekend here in PerthWA Day - formally Labour Day (A celebration of the right for workers to enjoy 8 hours work, 8 hours recreation and 8 hours rest). On a whim I decided to go away. I intended to stay in Mandurah but the whole place was booked out. As often happens on... See More »
The supermarket has overhead cameras throughout the store.With screens so shoppers can see themselves. I watched as a man and woman were studying the top of their heads. The male had a visible bald spot, the woman not so afflicted. The male said, "Great way to make a man feel self conscious" After they... See More »
Starting a tedious work order right nowTime is 10.30 am, Wednesday 26th February. I am cutting 50mm Bisalloy 500 steel plate. The work order is for 7 x 3 metres x 120 mm steel bars. Each bar will take 25 minutes to cut. A total of 3 hours. All I need to do now, is stand here and make... See More » (1)
Memories from 37 years agoI first arrived in Western Australia from Tasmania 37 years ago in 1988. My first stint of employment was on a small 2000 acre cattle/sheep farm in Esperance - Western Australia consisting of 150 Simmental cows and one Bull. 500 sheep. The farm... See More » (1)
I have to wonder how many Palestinian prisoners Israel is holdingAt the start of this hostage/prisoner exchange the terms were 50 Palestinian prisoners would be released for every Israeli hostage released. Those terms are now 100 prisoners for every hostage? Will the final terms be - the last hostage will be... See More »
Looking at my G Mail page I notice my storage allowance is 15 GBCurrent Usage is 0.14 GB. Got as high as 0.16 GB one time. Until I deleted the superfluous stuff
Filled my car with petrolWent inside, got a self serve coffee as well, the attendant said something which I could not understand. I simply said, "I have no idea what you said" I did think I heard "fuel" Surely he was not asking if I was going to pay for the fuel as well with... See More »
Did you know the Patriot in the US Patriot Act is an acronym?"Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" Who knew?
What can you add to this frivolous post?A Flock of Cows A Gaggle of Frogs A Conundrum of Octopus A...
Corella Chick being fed by MumRepost for those members who have not seen this cute video. I love being given the opportunity to show the world the beauty of our natural environment. Corellas are plentiful so there will always be the chance happening worthy of a video or... See More » (1)
Something I do not understand about 72 hour anti-perspirantHow can this be true? Surely for such a claim to be valid, one would not be able to shower for 3 days? I shower daily, washing underarms obviously. So this is a false claim?