First time editing youtube video of Kookaburras having a bath and laughingNew to this editing so not top notch yet. 9 minutes of Kookaburras bathing, Preening and laughing. (1)
Willy Wagtail videoThe small black and white Willie Wagtail is always moving. It has a long-fanned tail that it swings from side to side or up and down while foraging on the ground. Males have distinctive white eyebrows. This bird has dark eyes, black feathers and a... See More » (1)
Little Corellas amusing themselvesDriving home from work yesterday there was a flock of Little Corellas in the park near my home. I had to stop and video them for your, and my enjoyment. Watch the whole video to see some beautiful antics of these playful birds. (1)
Galah preening her mateGalahs show great affection to each other. Preening their mate consolidates the bond. When we see this action it is most often around their face as this is very sensitive area. (1)
Corella Chick being fed by MumI love being given the opportunity to show the world the beauty of our natural environment. Corellas are plentiful so there will always be the chance happening worthy of a video or photograph. (1)
I love our native birds.Little Corellas at the Baseball this morning. Corellas and white cockatoos filling skies and sporting fields across Australia is not all bad news (2)
Two and a half hours to get these shots PINNEDSplendid Fairy Wrens are forever flitting here and there. Never being still for more than two or three seconds. Then the camera has to be pointed at them, focussed on them and the shot taken before the little blighters are out of shot. I set my... See More » (3)