Splendid Fairy Wrens are forever flitting here and there. Never being still for more than two or three seconds. Then the camera has to be pointed at them, focussed on them and the shot taken before the little blighters are out of shot. I set my camera on a tripod and aimed at their favourite bushes. There were plenty of them about but mostly hidden by the foliage. I took about 25 pictures, none of which had the Wrens in focus, or even in the shot. Male Splendid Fairy Wrens are a beautiful Blue with Black lines above the eye line and below the throat. This is their breeding season colours. Outside of breeding season they are almost exactly the same colours as the females, a dull brown. So set up camera at 11.30 am and got these two photos at 2.03pm.
@lovelywarpedlemon The bush is the only place I truly love. If you yourself ever go out into the wilds then you will understand my love of such beauty. As the years go by I find myself drawn more and more to nature
@AntisocialTroll Thank you. I went to another spot today and though there were Wrens there, I was unable to get any photos of them. I was there for four hours today. 🥺 This is the best I can do for today 🐦
@Stereoguy Thank You. I am at Bickley Brook right now hoping to get some more shots. One being a New Holland Honey Eater supping on nectar of the One Sided Bottle Brush. Calothamnus quadrifidus