For those career infantry and ex infantry would this type of site be useful?I was airforce so I have no idea.
Attending a seminar on personalization marketing and damn, never seen a trainer get dogpiled this hard in awhilea) Using basic theory any person as a customer could figure out b) Not using region specific examples c) Using Facebook, Google and Apple as examples, great but their market cap is worth more than my country d) This seminar was marketed to... See More »
I hate the popup blocker on iphone. UselessI'm trying to read a korean comic and the damn link to the next chapter had 30+ popups.
the new US Ambassador to Singapore is a person called Anji SinhaAny of you know who that is? What's he/she done before? Nobody here can find anything. We need an ambassador who isn't an asshat.
Since RB asked about memes, drop your finest so I may expand my collection. I only have 5 pages :(As this is my general demeanour to them: (1)
What's the difference between an AT-AT and a stormtrooper?One is an Imperial walker, the other is a walking Imperial.
Keep an eye on the Myanmar war too.Neighbour's nephew went out with friends last week in the evening, he got swept in a conscription drive and she hasn't heard from him since.
I bought a stock that lost 50% of its value a week after I bought it and now has announced de listing.I only put about $500 into it but damn. Reminder to do my homework.