I really just want to kill myselfBut I don't want anyone to notice. No one wanted me in their life, no one should be aware of my death. A funeral or celebration of life would show how pathetic people are. They can't be bothered with me when I'm alive. They don't deserve to know... See More »
Biggest TB outbreak ever is in Kansas, right now in 2025. Conservative politics can't be questioned!Keep doing exactly what you Two Parties of Americans do! And soon you won't be! At all.
To anyone who's lost someone, can you relate? Poll (0) See Poll OptionsMy sister is heavy on my heart tonight. Especially since the anniversary is just a few days away. I love her so much, more than I've loved anyone... See More »
15 February, 2015: Why I Killed Myself By Jumping From The 5th Storey Of A Building. :) And Then, Came Back To Life Again!1. Voldy made 7 horcruxes, and became immortal. 2. I was the unintentional, 8th. (When Voldy tried to kill me in my room once, there was a huge fire, and the spell rebounded and made a horcrux of his soul in my body.) 3. This created a... See More »
DEATH: ACTUALLY, VERY, VERY LESS PAINFUL. VERY!I've been on the other side of death a lot of times, and death is easy. If you're scared of being burnt to death, or even accidents, consider this... why do you think we fall unconscious after a fire breaks out? That's actually you dead. Ummm, if... See More »
Should Funeral Homes Be Selling Alcohol Drinks At Funerals?There’s a young man who applied for a liquor license who owns a funeral home. He wants to sell drinks to the mourners. Can’t imagine it livening up the place since alcohol generally doesn’t cheer up a mourner. And what about the liability of... See More »
My Dad Had Cancer Since Two Years And Died Yesterday. And My 'Family' Didn't Tell Me. Not Even That He Died. Can You Believe It.Allah tells me everything.