It's storming and raining hardI think it would be perfect to watch a spooky movie about someone living in a mansion in the woods with a butler. I don't know many movies like that any suggestions? I use to watch a movie woth my grandparents called private eyes that was similar to... See More »
What do you think about that Netflix show?With all the weird stuff going know the one,,,, Just name it and tell us what's weird about it....I'll start Turtles leaving an Island warning of a Tsunami....
the batman movie i prefer is the one with george cluney as batmanof course i managed to have this preference thanks to the very "intelligent" critics and movie reviewers
My third StarWars bookToday Friday Marsch 14 I got my third StarWars book delivered from swedish An amazing book at more than 300 pages showing more than 200 vehicles and facts about them from the StarWars films. has many awesome books from all... See More » (2)