another smiler puni pinched this one off another web site too i thought it was funny did you hear about the rich arab that came too the united kingdom he was not like most most and spent his money in buying famous football teams this guy was into the market of... See More »
smiler punthis is actually a pun i picked up off another web site and thought it was amusing a man went too the psychiatrist because every night he was having this recurring dream the man said too the psychiatrist i hope you can help me i keep getting this... See More »
defending ukraineas a mere by stander too what is going on in ukraine at the moment and a mere layman does anyone know why this idea the european union and starmer are floating will work .i am talking about at an agreed ceasefire in ukraine do these european... See More »
too the brit coronation fans🤔what former street was easy going but could be volatile- len fair enough
another smiler jokewhy did the man that worked at kwik fit have too finish work officially at sixty seven -he had reached the age limit for re-tyrement
my top ten favourite songs from the seventiesin no order of preference macarthur park- donna summer baker street- gerry rafferty bohemian rhapsody -queen live and let die -paul macartney and wings sideshow -barry briggs see my baby jive -wizzard scotch on the rocks -the black watch pipe... See More »
pop usic of the nineteen eightiesmy ten favourite songs of the nineteen eighties in no particular order say say say [paul macartney and michael jackson one day in your life [ michael jackson] how about us [ champagne] keep on loving you [reo speedwagon] its raining again... See More »
putin /ukrainei tend too stay away from the topic of politics on similar worlds but can anyone tell me why putin and russia are getting worked up over these missiles. granted it an game changer as ukraine can now hit militiary sites in kursk and other parts of... See More »
another vintage american western television jokedid you know which one of the bonaza cast was a grass -lawn greene lol
old american western televisionit has come out the the late great chuck connors had an addiction to a dessert of jelly cream custard fruit and sponge . he was colloqually known too eat them on set and became know as the t-rifleman
another smiler classicdid you here about the currant and sultana acccused of mocking and being derogatory of other dried grapes - the where accused of being raisinist lol 😆
another smiler jokes for the brits]🤔what do you call a cheese binge between two mountains -😆 a cheddar gorge
a smiler jokes for old brits🤔how do gerry and the pacemakers travel too the channels islands - ferry across to jersey lol 😆
another smiler classicdid you know sig ravioli had joined the catholic church and works in the vatican in rome rome under the pope -he is an italian pastor
well done manchester city -sweet revengewell dome masnchester city in winning the first trophy of the season over the second best team in manchester lol sweet revenge after your defeat in may
another smiler classic jokedo you know how too start a conversation with a shy lettuce - i do it is a little gem and cos i have the skill to be able too break the ice-berg with them
what is going on with similar worldsi do not know what the problem is but you see lots of people taking breaks from similar world and a few have been saying there good for personal reasons i assume . it is becoming a worrying trend and i am just a bit alarmed this is not going like... See More »
where is nimbydoes anybody heard from my mate and one of my sparring partners nimbus not seen him post for a few good days hope he is alright
british politics]july the fourth this year will have prevelence in our country as for our cousins over the big pond when we finally see the back of sunak and his governent . sunak must be fearing a humilating defeat as john major did in 1997 when tony blair took... See More »
hard luck scotlandyou feel for scotland after going out of the european football championships when losing ten miutes into stoppage time. fair enough the other result in the other game never went in there favour never mind you did well too get too the finals
another smiler classicwhat you call somebody who shows you how too grow potatoes on the social network - a you tuber
pop song humour🤔what may be an appropriate song for a former president of the united states on july eleventh after sentencing 🤔i will start the ball rolling please release me by englebert humperdink