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anyone ever have a mole on their foot biopsied?

I see a foot doctor once in a while cause of fungus issues, the last time I went I said something like look at the moles only cause I've never noticed them before being there, kind of like out of conversation, he looked at them and said one was irregular, so I had to go see a dermatologist yesterday and they did a biopsy on them, just wondered what happens if it is cancer, will they take my foot off?
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Wiseacre · F
Depends...that's why biopsy.
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@Wiseacre it was benign
Wiseacre · F
TexChik · F
They are probably worried about Melanoma. If it's a positive biopsy, they will want to biopsy the sentinel lymph nodes in your groin and thigh. If there are nodes with Melanoma in them, they will recommend a treatment (not take off your foot) regimen for you.
If it is cancerous they will probably do Mhos Surgery on it. Google it for an explanation of how they do it.

I had a Mhos done on a cancerous spot on my face and "get to see" a dermatologist every six months now....
losthorizons · 51-55, M
O but remove the mole. That’s how bob marley died. He hurt his foot/ankle playing soccer. When he went to the doctor they told him that he had melanoma on his foot and wanted to remove the melanoma he said no. He left it. It wound up spreading to his brain and liver and killed him. Def get it biopsied
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@losthorizons I just got it biopsied yesterday
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@pearllederman the biopsy will determine what is needed next. It is unlikely you will lose the foot, but they may need to do further surgery.
Wiseacre · F
@samueltyler2 she didn't say she has cancer.
No, they don't say "She has cancer, we will chop her foot off".

Amputation is a last resort after they have looked at every other possible treatment option.

You have had the biopsies done now, even if it does turn out to be cancer... it's possible that they might have gotten it all out in these biopsies - or, they might want to go back and take more, give you radiation/chemotherapy or just keep an eye on the area and see what happens.

Don't worry so much about limb amputation at such an early stage in the game - especially when you don't even know for certain that it's cancer at this point.
Oh no sweetie … don’t go there …. I’d wait for the test result and I’m sure that it won’t be bad news …. But before that stop creating scenarios in your mind … 🤗🤗🌸❤️
Lostpoet · M
I don't think they'll take your whole foot and it probably isn't cancer.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
What did the biopsy reveal?
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@samueltyler2 no cancer
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@pearllederman I bet that have you a sigh of relief.
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@samueltyler2 you're right , I do
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
I had it done Monday ( skin cancer / squamous cell carcinoma).
They numbed it up with a few pricks from a needle.
Cut it out with a scalpel.
Stitched it up.
It was over in 15 minutes.
No bigggeee.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@DallasCowboysFan did they do a Mohs procedure?
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 No, they only do that on your face, this was on my arm.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@DallasCowboysFan i always think of it as the best approach to insure all of the cancer is removed. Certainly in the face it allows for limited tissue removal while ensuring for molete removal.

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