Post-cardingDoes anyone else on this site enjoy post-carding? Are there any groups related to it that I can join?
Going paperlessI have some money in a retirement fund which has been sending a ridiculous number of notifications in the mail. So I finally went online and switched to electronic notifications. Today I received a letter in the mail, confirming that I had gone... See More »
Oh Cr@P, Got Some Mail Stolen…A Used Book From Ebay…It wasn’t expensive but just shows me that there are thieves looking for stuff to steal here. I bet they won’t even read it. Talked to the lady who delivers mail, told her I was here yesterday when the mail ran and heard something, got my jacket on... See More »
does the post get delivered tomorrowi'm expecting some deliveries from ebay, and i'm anxious about them getting lost in the post, they are dvds which i i'm wondering does royal mail deliver tomorrow? so near christmas?
Package woesI bought something from the Amazon for my mother's Christmas gift. It was scheduled for delivery today. Monday I got an email telling me it would be delivered Tuesday. Yesterday I got an email telling me that delivery would be delayed until... See More »
how to make sure what I mail gets thereI've had 2 situations where I mailed something that never got there and they were both important, one was some paperwork to my doctor to fill out so I could get para transit, I mailed it twice and she never got any of it, then when I messaged her... See More »
Anyone ever get someone elses mail but don't notice that till you open it?I've had that happen a couple of times, I think its mine cause it was with my mail only to find out its not. a couple of days ago I got this letter and I was wondering why housing was writing me, I opened it and saw it was a form to fill out and it... See More »
About 3 hours to goDad's just getting up now, he's got nothing but a solo coffee time planned, he would normally be off to the city with the rich elderly folks but my brother who manages his finances brings terror and fear into his mind and soul, but my brother even... See More »