Barclays bank eventually solved problemI read they had an IT problem since Friday where thousands never got paid and couldn't pay direct debits, some were even told to go to food banks. My mum said can you imagine if you were on holiday and needed the money from your bank but it hadn't... See More »
I might switch banks. What do you think?There's this bank I've had since 1996, we'll call it BANK A. I'm also with a credit union bank, we'll call that one BANK C. BANK A charges you a $3.00 fee for each time you withdraw money from a non BANK A, ATM machine. BANK C gives you 3 free... See More »
Money saving mindsetArghhh why is it that when you, seriously are about saving money, get into the money saving mindset are doing well, SOMETHING BREAKS, LIKE WHYYY, what is thisss!!!!
My Friend Went To Deposit A Little Cash In Her Checking Account & The $5 Bill Was Counterfeit….The bank teller used a counterfeit pen on all of the pens, only $65. She told my friend she would have to keep that counterfeit bill. My friend had just gotten that money a few minutes ago after her friend gave her a $65 check and she got the cash... See More »