Are you doing anything exciting for Valentines Day? If not, what's the plan?We're going to make a nice dinner together as we're both going to be free of work or family matters, and go from there.
Would you serve in your country's military ? Poll (21) See Poll OptionsIf you were forced to (conscription, or national service). Or voluntarily (as a conscious career choice). Military are agents of government and... See More »
An Ally McBeal reboot - would you love it or would it make you want to spew?most reboots make us want to spew!
Why do people get married? Why should people get married?To us it seems to have no purpose or reason to exist since it doesn't do anything.
Ally McBeal 'dancing baby' - did anyone ever figure out what that means?Seems so long ago now. Calista Flockhart et al. Who is 59 and married to Harrison Ford who's now 81. Age gap issue?
Do you have a 'family christmas party outfit'?Some of our friends do and they don't understand how every woman doesn't almost like how every woman is supposed to have a little black dress (Mel does I don't).
Trump steak for all you Trumpanzee's out there in SWeEP land The 'Trumptice' piece from Mia and Me has finally been discovered! (1)
Nearly 4 years on from the bullshit C19 Plandemic (tm) and people still believe the bs fed to themSo sad. Will the Plandemic hype make a return around the time of the US federal election in November? 8-)
Is travel post-Vid something you can or can't afford ? How desperate are you to travel ?We have no desire for international travel through we both have valid passports. Prefer seeing our own country. International travel is so effing expensive!
Do you get sucked into customer reward programs or see them for the scam they are?So many people can't understand that they are a scam! Just a legal one.
Can you get a home loan?We've both tried individually and together and keep getting declined, so we're giving up and just going to deal with having to rent.
So you'd think that 'hangover for Covid experiment' mask wearing has gone away.... think again.So you'd think mask wearing has stopped but in the background it hasn't. All hospitals and medical centres here require them still, and we found out that ambo's (paramedics) all wear them even outdoors in public settings. Oh well. Time to go out in... See More »
What's your view of Tinder Bumble and similar ilk ?To us they seem to be really full of guys and pretend guys
Why ban only the nazi salute? ALL saluting in military and armed forces should be blackbannedBanning the so-called 'nazi salute' is a bullshit move to appeal the woke brigade. All saluting should be banned including in all military and other armed forces. In volunteer emergency services there's no such thing as there's no such thing as 'you... See More »
Wearing Jesus on your neck is like a massive red flag !Any man or woman (or other) doing that is almost immediately an outlier for both of us. It signifies intolerance of differences and of the lgbtiqa etc. tribe. Note we don't 'identify' as part of that tribe because it's so hyper-woke and cliched.
Slow fashion - what women's fashion industry tries to suppressSlow fashion - Put simply, slow fashion is the opposite of fast fashion. It encompasses an awareness and approach to fashion that considers the processes and resources required to make clothing. It advocates for buying better-quality garments that... See More »
Why is the term 'guys' used generically to refer to any group of people?Is that because of the male-ification via religion where God is considered male and a 'father figure'? Why can't the term 'girls' be used instead of 'guys' or would that offend the vast bulk of men who would think they are being inferiorised? ;-)
Accelerated wealth concentration as a direct result of the Covid Plandemic - exactly what's meant to happen Accelerated wealth concentration amongst the elite of society is one of the key measures that the Covid situation was supposed to... See More »
Jeremy Clarkson being dumped from Amazon Prime
bipoc - is this a re-imagination of the blm type movement?Never heard the term but we discovered it in a description of the movie Tar. Apparently it means 'Black and Indigeous People-Of-Colour'? Like wtf?