2024 and there are still people who think they know more than the people who actually do the science: research, experiments, studies, and then writing the papers. 🙄
Fact checking is just that- checking facts. Curbing misinformation. Because people would rather perpetuate the latest conspiracy theory cooked up by Faux News* than take two seconds to think critically about how ridiculous that theory really is @SW-User
*You know, that media company that settled out of court for millions of dollars for willfully spreading information *they knew was not true*
Please,'plandemic' person, tell us which of the following numbers and statements are false (I think they're all true to within roundoff error).
Here in the table are US death numbers for the top ten causes of death for six years ending in 2020. Notice how there are 20% more deaths in 2020 than the average of the previous five years? Doing the math, that's 500,000 excess deaths in 2020.
Notice how, in 2020, 345,000 of those 500,000 excess deaths are classified as Covid? Notice how almost all causes of death rose in 2020, including cancer & heart disease?
If there's any validity to the claim that lots of deaths have been mis-classified as Covid, why did almost all causes of death increase in 2020? Wouldn't mis-classification produce a reduction in those other causes? The evidence says mis-classification is a red herring.
At this point in time pretty much everyone experienced it and know at least one person who got screwed over. If anything, it's absurd there's still m*rons around who believe "ThE VaCcInE wIlL KiLl YoU AlL iN aT MoSt OnE mOnTh11!!1! No. OnE YeAr!!!11!!1! No, TwOoo!! 😭 No, ThReEEee!! This time I'll get it right, 100% 😭😭 "
@Elessar We refused to get the jabs, but respect the science, even though the science was funded by drug companies and basically favours them (esp Bill Gates' Moderna co) to support the mantra about Covid being 'death'.
@mksworld Dude I don't care, me and the rest of those left who have a functioning brain got vaccinated and moved on
On the other hand, you're still here in 2024 making cringe posts about covid conspiracy cr#p, clearly not being vaccinated is visibly more harmful (at least for the mind).
@mksworld It must be legal for senators and ex-presidents to have top secret info stored in warehouses and offices, since slo joe and barry big ears did it with no penalty
@sunsporter1649 I suspect almost every ex el presidente dicator of the USA has probably done it, same as in every other country where executive branch abuse of power is part and partial of sovereign government.
Who will it apply to? Only American citizens? Doesn’t seem there’s any medical vetting followed by tracking of the border crossers. But leave it to this administration -it won’t be a concern or we’ll be told they were medically cleared! Yeah then we’ll wake up!
@Lilnonames No Karening here. 8-) We refused to wear masks, check in, and for the most part because of our jobs the lockdowns meant nothing. We both work in what was considered 'critical industries'.