I loved my chicken fajitasDid well in mock exams and got picked for one of the sports team so my mum took me out for dinner and I had the finest ever chicken fajitas. I am determined to keep behaving myself and not do silly things anymore so I can pass some more tests
Best ever nachosDosent sound much but watched boyfriend play football then we went to a cafe and shared nachos which were the finest ever. Just felt so nice๐
Do you still buy or get chocolate eggs at Easter?Well my gran still gives me, and my dad normally blackmails me into doing some chores but buys me a big one and eats some of it too ๐ ๐ .
Would you have liked to have been born in the royal family?.Well we discussed this today in the free period where the teacher let's us discuss various subjects( if it's something sensible) I am happy as I am as if you born a royal you are always in the public and media news no matter what you do, and it's... See More ยป
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?Well I might disappear from a few of my classes๐ ๐ . I wouldn't want to do anything bad but get some sort of revenge on people who are cruel to animals.
I hope i did the right thingSometimes we get a sausage roll from the shop near our school for lunch. Anyway the girl in front of me who I know, couldn't find or had lost her money so I said I would pay for her and to sort it later. I thought nothing of it till I was outside... See More ยป
Do you walk, drive or take the bus mostly?I tend to walk, although if I go to another city or town it's the train
Beautiful weather this weekend in England ?Well where I am, and sitting in the garden enjoying it. Anyone else?
What's your favourite pizza?Off to get one soon. I like lots of pizzas, especially ham, mushroom and sometimes pepperoni. Even pineapple lol.
We beat the boys for a change.PE class, so girls got to choose the challenge and we picked basketball shooting and volleyball. Boys get to choose next week so I'm enjoying it while I can ๐ ๐ ๐
What's the hottest Country you have been to?Well thankfully nowhere too hot, but Spain was 31 one day and when I had left the UK it was just 19 so a big difference. My neighbours said it was 39 once in Greece when they went which is far too hot I think.
What to put in a bacon rollNot too hungry so just having a bacon roll this evening with a bit of tomato and lettuce. What else is good to put in it as i don't normally do them
What's a good present for my boyfriend at Valentine's day?I can manage about ยฃ10 but thought of chocolate or toiletries so far, but can't think of anything else
I got sent home from schoolI tried to retrieve a ball at sports afternoon but had to climb up some of the bars against the wall but my hand slipped when I tried to grip the bars as I climbed. Luckily I never lost balance below much, but hurt my wrist badly trying to grab the... See More ยป
What is your favourite food to make with eggs?I like bread and butter pudding and egg and tomato sandwich.๐
Do you think witchcraft really existed?I read about burning girls and women for witchcraft but find it hard to believe it was real.
Barclays bank eventually solved problemI read they had an IT problem since Friday where thousands never got paid and couldn't pay direct debits, some were even told to go to food banks. My mum said can you imagine if you were on holiday and needed the money from your bank but it hadn't... See More ยป
Has anyone played handball before?We did it at the sports centre, you throw the ball into the net instead of kicking it. You can only take 3 steps before you have to dribble with the ball or you can throw it as a pass. Still getting used to it but it's great fun.
Do you remember Wimpy cafes?Well I don't, but my grandparents say they were the best so I looked to see if there was any left in UK and there actually is a good few. London actually has 12
What are your weekend plans?Had a nice day at school as my team just won the sports day after an exciting finish. Weather forecast is dry so hopefully get out for a cycle and we got a family birthday so out for dinner.
Athletics and games finals tomorrow afternoonAll afternoon ( indoors as not doing outdoors till March) Doing the 100 and 200 metres and team race. Can watch the others in between my events. I like it outside better if weather is nice but happy to be indoors for January.
Do you remember where you went to on your first ever dateI was 13 and we went to the park and had a cone from the ice cream van as it was summer.