No matter how hard I study , I keep failingIm in college as an 24 year old , studying maths. I study every day at home for one hour and come into college once an week for 2 hours 30 minuets because my course is part time. They only do part time for the maths course otherwise I would do full... See More ยป
School tomorrowi hate school so much, i've got a shit friend, all of the other people at my school are mean The school refuses to send out a referral regarding my potential dyscalculia because im "too smart to have it" or its "too rare"
chilling in my school library!! I get 2 hours of free time today bc I'm not at my CTC. I stayed at the school bc there is an assembly for homecoming & I'm in band, so we have to play :33 (1)
Inactive latelyHi guys!, I've been inactive lately since I am very busy at school that's why I am very sorry if I couldn't response to you messages as soon as possible. Just today I decide to open this website to check on who did message me. Thank you for... See More ยป