how should you respond to someone online who tells you you're not something you actually arerecently someone on youtube commented to me ' you're not Anglo Saxon'....when i know that i am Anglo Saxon on my mothers side, i have the DNA tests to prove it and my mothers family goes back centuries in mother is english through and... See More ยป
If booking a holiday farm stay in England, is smoking likely to be allowed as farmers aren't known for being fussy?
New to Similar Worlds (again)!Hi everyone! Wondered if there were any folks in the UK midlands that wanted to say hi?
Because of Adjoa Andoh, is any Brit who says socially that there were no black English aristos before 1900, considered far right and racist?
Visiting England to help friends moveOne of my best friends at school, Sofie, married an Englishman, Michael, and they have lived for two years or so together in Michael's small flat in Oxford. Both have been saving a good deal, and they have been able to buy a three bedroomed house in... See More ยป