is it a good idea to move back to where I used to live?
was wondering if I should move back to where I used to live in upstate NY, I'm in Colorado now and been in this place for about 13 yrs , I used to work in resorts but had to quit cause of two hip implants and a knee surgery, I'm in an apt bldg, I had applied for housing in upstate NY but I've been on the waiting list for 2 yrs now, they're starting to contact me now and I've been sending them paperwork, they have apts open now, where I live now I never have anyone to hang out with, no one ever invites me over to do nothing with them, even in church, or at a home Bible study, they go out to eat once a month but I never get invited. I'm getting tired of being isolated constantly, even my neighbors never stopped by on christmas day either and I never got calls, I only have one friend that calls me but lately she forgets to call, I do get to see people if I go to the senior center and have lunch with them but its not the same if you don't get personal invitations, where I used to live I had a lot of friends, some I still keep in contact with them, one was going to let me stay with her but she had bedbugs so I told her I couldn't do it. now this housing place is calling me and sending me stuff to fill out. its low income housing so its doable, I have money for movers if I need to, and if I didn't feel like flying I could take a train or bus there. I was more sociable there and being a bigger city there was more going on so do you think I should take it, just wondered cause it looks like I'm at the end of my waiting list. any suggestions?