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is it a good idea to move back to where I used to live?

was wondering if I should move back to where I used to live in upstate NY, I'm in Colorado now and been in this place for about 13 yrs , I used to work in resorts but had to quit cause of two hip implants and a knee surgery, I'm in an apt bldg, I had applied for housing in upstate NY but I've been on the waiting list for 2 yrs now, they're starting to contact me now and I've been sending them paperwork, they have apts open now, where I live now I never have anyone to hang out with, no one ever invites me over to do nothing with them, even in church, or at a home Bible study, they go out to eat once a month but I never get invited. I'm getting tired of being isolated constantly, even my neighbors never stopped by on christmas day either and I never got calls, I only have one friend that calls me but lately she forgets to call, I do get to see people if I go to the senior center and have lunch with them but its not the same if you don't get personal invitations, where I used to live I had a lot of friends, some I still keep in contact with them, one was going to let me stay with her but she had bedbugs so I told her I couldn't do it. now this housing place is calling me and sending me stuff to fill out. its low income housing so its doable, I have money for movers if I need to, and if I didn't feel like flying I could take a train or bus there. I was more sociable there and being a bigger city there was more going on so do you think I should take it, just wondered cause it looks like I'm at the end of my waiting list. any suggestions?
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Elisbch · M
Since your main goal (it sounds like) is to have more people abs friends around you to do things with, it sounds to me like you need to weigh out if there is enough promise from these friends that you have back in Upstate New York that they're going to be there for you. There's no guarantees but maybe something you need to talk with them about. You might need to think about the services you might need for yourself as well. Like Medical, transportation and the cost difference between being in New York versus Colorado. I don't know I'm just guessing here. I think those are things that I would be very concerned about. If I sat here longer, I could probably think of some more things possibly. I think it's good to make a list. A pros and cons list of going versus not going and staying where you are. I can certainly understand with not having very many people/friends to do things with. It sounds from what you say that it can get fairly lonely? I would also seriously think about what your life would be like back in New York if these friends did not give you as much attention or company that you're looking for.
Weather differences might be important. And maybe the question of whether or not to move might effect your income possibly?
Nick1 · 61-69, M
At our age, friends and people company is essential. Upstate NY sounds good choice for you.
Carazaa · F
If I had a choice to live by ocean or inland I would choose ocean. And if you have friends there, I would move!
cuteblondegreyguy · 56-60, MNew
It is certainly possible to move back to upstate New York via the Amtrak train service or Greyhound bus service. Perhaps you could discuss this further with trusted friends/family members.
justbob · 61-69, M
Do not wait for invitations. Invite them! Reach out. Not only is relocating a hassle, but New York is not a very nice place to live compared to Colorado.
Penny · 46-50, F
id go for it. friends are important. you dont sound happy where you are now.
kutee · T
move back to ny, i bet youllhave a better time,
come2gether · 46-50, M
Have to ask yourself if NY crazy energy policies will negatively affect your pocketbook. Might want to consider that
Do as your heart leads you.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
If it's convenient sir. Only you know. ☺

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