Sometimes I feel like I have to be removed for the betterment of humanity.At the expense of my family having to mourn and miss me. I'm so scared though...I wish I could just accept my fate without being so fearful. In the end we all have to go sometime. I can't do it to myself though because that's wrong its self harm... See More »
in your opinion is the world overpopulated nowi just think there are far too many people now...just in the town i live in its becoming really populated because of mass immigration and i really don't like it and uncomfortable with it.
if you're a man, how can you hide 'desperation'desperation for the opposite sex? especially if you're a solitary male, had flings in your youth, but have never had a long term girlfriend due to mental problems and are now in your late 40s. what can you do? i know desperation frightens women off... See More »