Pervy NeighbourHe's always up there, on his roof, whenever I'm outside and want to play with the cat and read a good book. Coincidence?
Living With Someone ElseI hate it. I need a place of my own, where I can just do whatever I want and not have to worry that the dishes haven't been done yet, or the vacuuming. I can hear my sister's friends cackling. They're just too loud, like a merry band of drunken... See More »
Posture Really Does MatterWhen you're out and about in public. Stand up straight, and walk like the Earth is yours. Don't just walk - strut! You'll notice a difference right away. If you drag your feet, look at the ground and develop a hunchback, you won't be noticed, and... See More »
I like going to the movies even though there's never much interesting onI think it's because I went with my Grandma a lot as a kid and always really enjoyed it. She was the family member I was closest to, after all. The last movie I remember going to see with her was John Carter in 2012, but there might have been more... See More »
what can you do if you don't look good at the present timebasically ive put on weight around my stomach, a few stone...i plan to do something about it soon by returning to swim regularly at the leisure centre....but i feel bad because of all this extra weight ive elderly mother said i feel it... See More »
Do you ever wake up more edgy?I'm multifaceted and even if I am really angry I am still kind to people . But some days I just feel a dark cloud over me. It's there.