For those out there you are NCAA basketball fansAnd we know that you’re out there Here is a song, from my local team (1)
Healthy Living Should be Everyone's GoalIt's where my family is from
According to OxfordSW is the home to the world's prime place for brain rot...Also to make the list is meta, tiktok, Snapchat and instagram Proud to be apart of a study without an exam ✌
You know what I gave my immediate boss today as a Christmas gift?Preparation H I wrapped it in newspaper to boot. She opened the gift in front of everyone. She texted her dad what I gave her. His response "Finally a gift that we can use"
I just sent out this email (I was and still am experiencing technological difficulties at work)Who are you Devin and why is this not working. This is exactly why i despise being dependent on technology, well other than spell check. Its already caught and corrected two of the three last typographical errors that i have made. Thank you for... See More »
Immaculate constellation programAny thoughts?
Ever say something and realize as you're saying itThat you shouldn't be saying what you're sharing You see, I asked one of my bosses today "Why did you come to work yesterday wearing a moo moo?" At which point, she responded "It didn't, it was a denim dress. Old women wear moo moos to bed."... See More »
I found a recipe that confused meNot to sound judgement at all....but, I thought, why would anyone try this A peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a hot dog bun with a hot dog in it
Weird on going thing with my mail delivery personwhom, I've never met for some odd reason every so often after delivering my mail they decide to stuff my mailbox with earth (kinda looks like a next) 🤔 wtf does that even mean? keep in mind, whoever does this closes the mailbox after doing this... See More »
For those of us that like to brush our teethHow often should you replace your tooth brush? The first person to guess correctly will win a gift. Please...use your brains and not a google search. Ps our teeth are the pearls of our body
What do you think about dreams?How do you feel about dreams, and do you try to interpret them? I see them as troubleshooting and problem solving in a control setting. Practicing how to deal with issues. I had a weird dream, in which two ex girlfriends had a role woke me... See More »
Everything happens for a reason (as we've been conditioned to believe)Even if the reason sucks don't mind me as a brood on my name day
Pink Moon TonightPeak illumination at 7:49 pm Eastern Time Enjoy, Appreciate and allow yourself to be mesmerized ✌️