Grandpa doesn’t want to see grandkids because of ADHD 😭 Advice?Had a family member tell me my Dad (grandpa) and his wife, disclosed that the reason he doesn’t see our kids is because they are too hyperactive. They both have mild to moderate ADHD. I really don’t think they’re that hard and are fun to spend time... See More »
Am I bi or straight?Honestly, I have no idea at this point. I'm keep telling myself I'm only into men. Not that I'm homophobic, I just never thought I'd be into girls. Recently, one of my female friends started to give me butterflies whenever she's close to me. I'm... See More »
Is a woman telling you that have pretty lips certain flirting?I was talking to her about something unrelated when said it then she said sorry. I asked what she said bc I didn’t hear her at first so she repeated it and said “like the shape” and I said thanks I’m going to think about that all day.
Kind of angry about a messed up thingA friend of mine was short on her rent she visited me a month ago after work and she was crying saying she going to be homeless this and that and asked to barrow money. I dont like to lend anything but gave in and loaned her 500 for a month well... See More »
I wake up too earlyI have a good sleep quality and quantity, but I wake up too early for my body. I think all I can do is to reduce the tiredness, right? I exercise, I drink coffee, I have ideal conditions for sleep, I am not stressed, I barely use my phone, I am... See More »
Need some adviceThere is this man I’ve been into for almost 6 years. It started out by meeting him thru an ex. We would hang out and talk occasionally. He became like my best friend. Now, I still have feelings for him and haven’t really talked to him in almost 5 yea... See More »
Wisdom of the day- Day 1At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what people think about you and this is because people will always have things to say about you whether you win or you lose people will always talk crap. Instead of paying attention to them, work on yourself... See More »