The most therapeutic part of living in the van was driving away from bsI didn't have debt, didn't owe anybody anything except a few bills. I didn't have to worry about seeing the faces of people that hurt me. I didn't care what they were doing, it didn't affect me. I didn't have to settle for the same boring shite every... See More »
Google or Duck Duck GoAmazing easy to use search engines. There are repeat advice seekers I'm recently finding annoying. They really need to learn how to apply word searches and use these tools. I think many of us needlessly do that for them. Am I being unfair here?
Think just enough to mean what you say and no more or less than that.Think too little and you act selfishly, your emotional unfiltered language might feel great in the moment, but you don’t mean it in hindsight and you hurt others. Think too much and you act selflessly, your careful sugarcoated language might make o... See More »
Wisdom of the day- Day 1At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what people think about you and this is because people will always have things to say about you whether you win or you lose people will always talk crap. Instead of paying attention to them, work on yourself... See More »
Can you tell me something positive about me?I'm at the end of my 24h shift... 2h before I leave. At the end of my wit My patients are good but my mood is low af This is such a pathetic question, but I'm really really really feeling terrible about myself. Some nice words might help me keep up... See More »