I know they’re not popular, but I love brussels sprouts…I especially like them shredded, with garlic, sautéed in olive oil. (1)
Garlic smellWhen cooking food with lots of garlic in it, my skin always smells like garlic after. I am wondering if the smell is only in my nose, or how does it get to the skin so quickly after? Love garlic, yummy.
Sometimes I wanna eat junk food and tasty stuff. Instant gratification. Pleasure.But I know I'm the only one taking care of my heart, so my mind says no thanks.
Got back home Saturday morning from the UK10 reflective thoughts 1. How naive of me to think going in winter there wouldn’t be many tourists. Summer would be unimaginable 2. I’m tempted to buy a trench coat now even though I have no use for one. Quite fashionable 3. No data on the... See More »