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Nudistsue26 · 31-35, F
Personally I think Trump is done. He won't overturn this election. He will have to run in 202_ which I don't think will happen b
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@TexChik Impressive to his fan club, not so much to anyone else. And saying he got more votes than any incumbent is misleading because the population is higher than in the past. Biden got more votes than any candidate in history for the same reason.

There is no evidence that Dominion machines changed votes or that mail-in ballots were fake. Trump brought over 60 lawsuits challenging the election, and only won one of them, something about how close poll watchers could stand to the ballot counters. Many of these were decided by judges Trump appointed himself. Only one lawsuit even alleged fraud, and when the judge asked the lawyers for evidence, they declined to present it.

Trump's administration had a record number of criminals in it. I'm looking forward to him being arrested sometime this year. Of course, his fan club will riot if that happens.
TexChik · F
@Lila15 nonsense, there is plenty of evidence , Pennsylvania's Governor is still defying a subpoena to reveal the voting logs. I wonder why? All the states where the big cheat took place have plenty of evidence of the cheat...Especially with domininion. Now that red states have outlawed its use and cheat proofed the elections...Washington libs are worried.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@TexChik If there was evidence, Trump's legal team would have presented it in court when it would have made a difference.

Dominion is suing all of the clowns who slandered them. Even Fox News has stopped talking about Dominion. They wouldn't do that if they thought the lies were true.

The "audit" in AZ was a joke, and the one in PA will also be a joke. The only thing Democrats are worried about is the voter suppression that Republican states are pushing. Jody Hice, a congressman running for Secretary of State in GA, has promised to declare Trump the winner even if he loses. If you support that, why even have elections? Just declare Trump fuehrer and admit that you are fine with a dictatorship as long as the guy you like is in charge.

If Congress doesn't certify the results. Federal law gives individual members of the House and Senate the power to challenge the results.
monte3 · 70-79, M
@jackjjackson it was the slowest because it was more thana”slowdown”, it was the most cataclysmic economic event since the 1930s, and the Republicans did everything possible to stop Obama from “having an accomplishment “ of resorting the economy, but he did anyway. Yea America!
monte3 · 70-79, M
@jackjjackson I am glad you don’t support civil war. Although that IS a ridiculously low bar for sanity. All trump has to do to stop the insanity is to tell his followers to stop the insanity. You people (trump supporters) are quite obedient to his pronouncements.
My serious point was the enormity of not accepting the vote. And the damage he has done by saying without evidence that 5he election was rigged.

Also I think the tinfoil crowd talks a better game than anything.
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@jackjjackson: @Lila15 is right I'm afraid. If the House and the Senate are split on which set of electors to accept, then responsibility devolves to the governors of the particular states.

Lila15 · 22-25, F
A judge Trump appointed just dismissed Rep. Louie Gohmert’s suit against Mike Pence, which sought to force him to declare the votes of several states invalid. The suit was dismissed for lack of standing.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Kwek00 LOL, I hear chicom spies are quite good in the hay, what have you heard?
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
[image deleted]
Tres13 · 51-55, M
he won & it was stolen
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@akindheart Naturally, none of these "facts" you know will stand up as evidence in court. But I am sure you know a guy who saw a guy, etc etc...
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@whowasthatmaskedman We know the Cyber Ninjas “audit” will find 200,000 votes for Trump; their CEO said as much before they even started. So expect “audits” in other states to “prove” Trump really won.

Then what? Biden’s victory was certified by the House; that can’t be reversed. Do these people actually think Trump will be reinstated? For people who can’t stop talking about how much they love the Constitution, they’re sure ready to ignore it if it suits their purposes.

And no surprise, ameanheart blocked me.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Lila15 From here is doesnt matter. Either the audits will not have any substance, or they will be ignored. I do rely on Trump remaining Trump to destroy any remaining Cred he has in time and take those who still even whisper his name with them. To someone who has studied the Trump method from way before his foray in politics, he is obvious. A grab for other peoples money, using showman skills and the gullability of others. Its not rocket science.
justanothername · 51-55, M
It’s called Republican Election Fraud and it involves invalidating legally valid votes cast by Democratic Voters. It’s the only way Trump can “win” the election. If Trump was in college it would be called blatant cheating in order for Trump to obtain a pass.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@luckranger71 pretty much says it all.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@justanothername you’ve got that the wrong way around
justanothername · 51-55, M
@ididntknow Ali definitely represented the Democrats, no doubt about it.
@TopOfTheWorld Exactly!!!

He is a terrible actor isn't he

More terrible human being
4meAndyou · F
In Georgia, as I heard this morning, Stacey Abrams put in the fix with her sister, the JUDGE who was deciding all the election cases. Stacey Abrams sister should have recused herself and did not.

I am not sure, because I can not find any updated news, but I believe the court case in Nevada has not yet been decided. That only involves 6 electoral college votes. Biden has 303, I believe, at the present moment.

However, the Pennsylvania cheating video, the illegal drop boxes in Georgia, and so much more, all over the country, is so overwhelming to Independent voters and to Conservatives in general that IF Trump can not overturn this election, Biden's presidency will be permanently tainted...stained with the dishonesty and dirty tricks which are the earmarks of Stacey Abrams and thousands of others who had to cheat to get him in.

History will view him as illegitimate, and will mock him.
cheesenpickles · 26-30, F

1. Who said I watch CNN and MSNBC? I am not accusing of you of where you get your information. I am also not a middle aged person relying on cable news as a resource.

2. If the evidence is SO clear then why has each court case been thrown out ? - by various states with various political persuasions. Sometimes with a serious reprimand from the judge.

For someone who doesn't listen to our soon to be ex president you sure do like to spread his paranoia and lies.

Tell me, have you given to his Saving America SuperPAC? Trump is pocketing 70% of it's earnings.

THAT's the reason why he is keeping this charade up and dividing the country. It has always been about making money to Trump. ALWAYS.
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4meAndyou · F
@cheesenpickles For standing.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
That whole I won when he did not and all it spawned is why he will never be elected again. Remember he lost the popular vote in 2016 and won the electoral. Nothing but his hard core would ever vote for him again which is not enough.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@Subsumedpat It is illegal in some states to change your registration just to mess with the other party, although I don't know if anyone has ever been prosecuted for this. I do know that in 2008, Rush Limbaugh urged his listeners to register as Democrats and vote for Hillary in their primary in order to drag out the conflict between her and Obama as long as possible. It wasn't necessary for them to vote in the Republican primary as McCain was the sure winner by then. I don't know if anyone actually did this.

I have heard of people crossing party lines for this reason, especially in states where you can just ask for whatever party ballot you want. But I don't know if it's ever had an effect.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@Lila15 they do it sometimes where I live because you don't have to register, you simply tell them when you vote in the primary which party ballot you want.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@Subsumedpat It would be interesting to know if that affected any election by nominating a poor candidate.
Rose0415 · 36-40, F
Well I will tell you what... Biden's inauguration is 15 days away. You would think by now that Trump's supporters would have accepted the fact that their guy lost fair and square. Nope. They are still whining and crying and hoping for some sort of victory.
PatKirby · M
News outlets do not have the authority to certify.
@PatKirby I did not mention news outlets. I said Congress have the ultimate authority, and they’re doing that now. Trump’s grip is finally slipping. 😎👍
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@PatKirby News outlets only project the winner. However, Congress just certified the Electoral vote, so Biden will be sworn in on the 20th. Trump didn’t formally concede, but he did say yesterday that there will be an orderly transition, so he’s accepted that he’s not getting a second term.
Simple he doesn't he lost
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@Stargazer89 deflection noted. You are a true [removed by staff] if you think the size of a rally meant that you win elections 😂😂😂 If you really want to go down that route, Hillary had FAR bigger rallies than Trump during 2016.
@Uachtarain she did not. Fake news as always
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@Stargazer89 she did; not that it matters. She lost, as did Trump 😎
OggggO · 36-40, M
Hmm, wonder where this renewed vigor from some of these Trump supporters came from after the long silence.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@Driver2 Yes, because either the plaintiffs had no standing, or in one case, Trump’s lawyers declined to present it.

All of the claims are either fabricated or normal election procedure. If Trump was honest, he’d also be complaining about Republicans suppressing Democratic votes, such as the mile-long lines to vote in some black precincts. An honest election should mean everyone eligible gets to vote with no disparate treatment.
OggggO · 36-40, M
@Driver2 No, they presented claims in court. Zero evidence for those claims though, as multiple judges noted.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@OggggO People who don't know the difference between the 12th amendment and the Electoral Count Act aren't going to know the difference between claims and evidence either.

"Someone said something I agree with, therefore it must be true"
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image deleted]

Tell me it's not a cult again?!! 😖
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
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Harriet03 · 41-45, F
It has been well over a year since you posted this, and I do not see a single coherent response from the Trump camp.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@CorvusBlackthorne Lots of incoherent responses though, lol 🤪
@CorvusBlackthorne Trump and coherent should never be used in the same sentence
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@CorvusBlackthorne You must be illiterate.
Namor69 · 41-45, M
Trump WON the election....but now needs to 'prove' that he didn't lose! SMH #sheeple #stolenelection #bananaRep #MAGA
OggggO · 36-40, M
@akindheart Again, if the system is so corrupt, maybe Trump should have appointed more honest judges. And you said talking to me was circular. 🙄
Namor69 · 41-45, M
@OggggO Honest but cowardly! 👊
OggggO · 36-40, M

Those don't read like the words of a coward to me.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
When Mitch McConnell and Vlad Putin congratulate Biden as the winner it really is time to give up on the idea of a second term for Trump.. Just saying.........😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MarmeeMarch Careful.. Someone will take that as an admission there was collusion in the case of Trump. I dont really believe that collusion existed, (if only because the Trumps were too inept) but Putin certainly got a lot of mileage out of Trump, with that Russian debt hanging over him (and more recently Jared) And now those banks have already announced their intension to pursue the debt next year. It will be interesting to see who the next owner of Trump Tower is and their attitude to the Russian tenants.😷
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Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@Stereoguy Obama "admitted" he was born in Kenya???🤣 Please show me where he said this!!
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@MarmeeMarch Trump lost. Learn to cope 😎
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Lila15 · 22-25, F
@MarmeeMarch The book was in error. Not the first time a blurb wasn’t confirmed.
Oster1 · M
Look! Trump won by a freaking record braking landslide! He will not move out! He will serve another term! There is absolutely no doubt!
Aquarius39 · 41-45, F
@PatKirby That's right.
Frank52 · 70-79, M
Annnnd he blocked me. No surprise there.

That's becoming the pattern it seems. Can't actually give a reasoned response so an emotional and personal outburst substitutes.
OggggO · 36-40, M
@Frank52 Could you tell me what his last message to me was? Mildly annoying when people reply before blocking since it makes it impossible to read the reply.
Baremine · 70-79, C
Trump wins a legal election no questions. This was not a legal election.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Baremine Literally none of that happened lmao. You’d know this if you weren’t living in a Facebook bubble.
Baremine · 70-79, C
@QuixoticSoul bullshit it all happened.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Baremine Nope. It's just cope.
He does not.

What is so hard for people to understand here?

Is there anything REAL in their lives?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom Now there is an amusing comedy duet, reminds me of Statler and Waldorf
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow LOL, pmsnbc and the comedy news network are on the straight and narrow
@sunsporter1649 Well I understand your confusion. You are so far extreme right that Ronald Reagan would be a communist sympathizer to you.
TexChik · F
It just takes one from the house and one from the senate ... and boom ! Constitutional resolution to a corrupted election .
TexChik · F
@Lila15 nope . The president of the senate ( Mike Pence) presides over the proceedings . It just takes one member of the house and the senate to object to the fraud and a seconded motion to throw the election into the constitutional resolution
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@TexChik The two chambers deliberate for two hours, and decide if the states whose electors are in question should be tossed out or not. Both chambers have to agree; otherwise the submitted slate stands. I don't think the Democratic House will agree to toss out the electors from any state Biden won.

The "constitutional resolution" you're referring to only kicks in if no candidate reaches 270. So that would require the Democrats in Congress to toss out all four swing states Biden won.
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Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image deleted]
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@Harriet03 He’s had every day in court since the election!
@Harriet03 There are more days in court ahead of him where he can cry... 🥵"Everyone is being mean and unfair to me just to make me look bad. Nobody likes me." 😫 😭
Well, let us just say that only if Congress votes in favor of him, because yeah, it goes to popular, then EC, then Congress, but all are really just dog and pony shows made by the bankers for more profit...

But really, Biden got enough winning tickets, confirmed once, twice, three times, whatever. Bleah. I think you can tell that I honestly don't care because it's all bullshit.
@Amyrakunejo Congress doesn't have to vote on anything. Their only constitutional role at this point is to count the electoral votes and verify that they are valid. By "valid," I mean to confirm that the electors were duly appointed and qualified.
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Dude, this isn't Australia. We don't need the Queen's permission to seat our Prime Minister.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
He tries to steal it... as he is doing in full anti-American style. Like all his lazy-way-out endeavours, he will fail.
It's over Trump and his delusional followers just cant accept it
OggggO · 36-40, M
well you’re the one that doesn’t know it’s happening, so we’ll leave it at that shall we,
I'm well aware of what's happening in reality, sadly, or perhaps gladly, I am not privilege to whatever contorted narrative is playing out inside your head. And since you refuse to share it with anyone else, I felt the least that could be done was to point out how utterly nonsensical you've been.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
OggggO · 36-40, M
@ididntknow So now what?
Isn’t the question now, where will he live?
I understand that the good citizens of Mar Lago don’t want him around and he announced that he won’t leave the residence of the White House.

Can you imagine him being dragged out? 🤨
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@ididntknow you are in denial.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Uachtarain we’ll see
He is scared and sees his future. That is why he is begging for money now with his lies about the election being corrupt.
Urban Dictionary: Failure to communicate.

"When the lines-of-communication are so broken down that you might as well be attempting to convey information not by the spoken word, but rather by some obscure and arcane non-verbal dialect comprised solely of farts and tap dancing."
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
Only count the votes for Trump and don't count any for Biden cos he's a cheat!
@Dave1955 I know - Biden's name was on the ballot! It should be like Trump's buddy in North Korea where only one name is on the ballot to prevent confusion. When Biden is sworn in, you should move there because they have honest elections.
I still don’t get that—almost six years later. And my mind is blown that some people didn’t learn from the first time how incompetent he was. 😳
too late now, its over
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Elevatorpitches keep watching
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
On January 20th 2021 President-Elect Biden will be sworn-in by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who will administer the Oath of Office. The authority of President will then be officially handed over to President Biden. The previous President should have vacated the White House by that time.
OggggO · 36-40, M
@sunsporter1649 How are those lawsuits going?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M

Google Non Sequitur and see if the definition reminds you of anything.. Its New Years Eve here. I have better things to do.😷
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@badminton And there speaks the expert of CNN 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Viper · M
There are only 4 possible ways to

1) Get a court to throw out the votes, and Election (0-50+ and 2 surpeme court, we're not hearing that case, suggest this isn't happening)

2) States refuse to certify their state's vote (too late, already happened)

3) Jan 6, Congress (both the Senate and the House) refuses to certify certain states votes, to where neither canidate gets to 270 in the electoral college. Which would then go to another type of backup election which would favor the Republicans choosing the next President.

Which I've heard different rumors of how many Congress people need to refuse to make this work... but latest articles seemed to suggest possible a majority in each.

And Democrats control the House majority, and top Republicans of the Senate seem be suggesting, they're not willing to go that route.

4) Super extremes measures, such as

- Millitary takeover (if the Millitary would follow)

- Suspending or eliminating the American Constitution (which some nuts have called for, but generally speaking the Republicans are normally the one that uphold the Constitution more often and use it as a rallying call, so it'd be against Republicans nature to do that)

- Refuse to leave, and some how make it stick...

- Keep claiming you're the active President, even when someone else is clearly in the role. I think this one might actually have a chance of happening the way things are currently going.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Least unrealistic I can see is getting the military on his side.
OggggO · 36-40, M
@BlueVeins The top brass have repeatedly told him no way in hell.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Don’t I know it 😉 @RightSaidFred
@RightSaidFred yeah but too bad you ain't one of them bhahahaha
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
Constant commercials of Trump calling Putin a genius?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
They are not much into details, but they are crowding around a crazy conspiracy/fantasy where he gets reinstated. In one version, John F. Kennedy who was assassinated in 1963 initiates this "reinstatement" storyline. In another version, the Supreme Court decrees a reinstatement. Despite both versions (or any version) there is no provision in the Constitution for a reinstatement to occur. There are no steps; there is no process. This will not happen. But, it gives "the base" something to hold on to as they attempt and fail to navigate reality.
A MAGA hat salute to the trump voters that still hope donny will make it in for another four.
NoSugar · 22-25, F
@Aliveshock complete wrong usage of this meme...
I am sorry your candidate lost.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@Lila15 So what do you think of Jason Momoa & Would You Do Him
PatKirby · M
Trump and Biden will go down in history as the two absolute worst back to back American presidents in history they both are horrible its sad having such piss poor candidates and not being able to do any better than these clowns
Baremine · 70-79, C
@ExperienceDLT Comrad Biden is destroying the USA. Trump made it a hell of a lot easier to live. Gas was cheap. Electrical car and trucks are not practical and climate change is a lie. Just like covid it is a scare tactic. Let's go Brandon.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@SW-User ... that’s if you can get into the basement to poke the stick at him in the 1st place, as I guess the basement’s quite full

good to know?
akindheart · 61-69, F
@BigGuy2 lol...burn...
He could see we changed the second letter to "r" and stuffed his ugly monster face with viagra and locked him in his playpen with a hollow electric baton
Namor69 · 41-45, M
Try: (for starters)
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@Namor69 Where are you getting your information then? If it’s not on YouTube, it’s somewhere else. There’s plenty of stuff on YouTube about the claimed “fraud.”
Namor69 · 41-45, M
@Lila15 Apparently I get my info from every where you donn't! 😎
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@Namor69 You must be getting your information from Rudy Giuliani’s imagination.
Utilising the American dream,BRIBERY N CORRUPTION,the basic of American life.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Might be too late for that. The other side beat him to it. @LUVELACE
Dino11 · M
Biden/Harris 2024
For leadership!
Baremine · 70-79, C
@Aliveshock no leadership with this two, they are a major disaster. let's go Brandon
Aren’t you glad that trump has been retrained like a child on social media since he didn’t know how to use it responsibly.
Trump Plaza to Implode Just Days After Biden Inauguration

The Trump Casino Plaza in Atlantic City NJ, is set for implosion on Jan 29 2021 just days after Biden's election.

News Week Nov 9, 2020 Benjamin Fearnow
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@softspokenman sounds like Akira all over again.

walabby · 61-69, M
He doesn't and didn't.

He's welcome to try again in 2 1/2 years, if he can get the GOP nomination...
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@walabby He won't. He's making way too much money right now fleecing his followers. Once he formally declares his candidacy, he's subject to campaign finance law. Now, he can just pocket everything with no one looking over his shoulder.

If I was a Republican, I'd be worried. As long as Trump running is a possibility, no one else can openly campaign (although DeSantis is running a stealth campaign, and Cruz is always campaigning). So the longer Trump waits, the less time there is for anyone else to put an organization together, fund raise, etc.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Lila15 He’d make a great speaker of the house
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@ididntknow No, he wouldn't, because that job entails actual work and following protocols, and Trump is terrible at that. He'd just use it as a platform to go after people he didn't like. He'd be completely ineffective. Trust me, the GOP leadership doesn't want him to be Speaker. If the Republicans win a House majority, they will elect McCarthy or someone else who is already there and knows how things work.

Trump is going to just keep raising money until the last minute. If he's not under indictment, he will anoint a successor. I'm not sure who that will be. It has to be someone who supports him 100% but also has a shot at winning because Trump hates it when he endorses a loser.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I think he may try for a second term - but I wonder if he can get enough support for that
@Pretzel Or double speak for I will cross that bridge when I get there. He also might not want to say no right now because he knows the Democrats (in his camp anyway) have nobody to replace him that can win a primary let along a general election.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow could be. the only thing dirtier than politics is tv preachers
Baremine · 70-79, C
@Pretzel Lots of real support. It just depends on an honest election unlike the last one.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
OK, now that the Electoral College has voted, is it really over? Or does Trump still have a viable path to the presidency?
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Lila15 my understanding is the only way now is if he in elected speaker of the house and both Biden and Harris drop dead... Not likely lol
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Lila15 No, he is OUT. On the 20th Jan Biden will be sworn in.
OggggO · 36-40, M
justanothername · 51-55, M
Simple, they are delusional. He got voted out.
@sunsporter1649 Coming out as a foreign troll finally?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow How's them chicom soldiers faring up in your snowbound environs?
@sunsporter1649 You would know more about that then me. You are the one obsessed with China.
cheesenpickles · 26-30, F
No one has put it more succinctly than Northwest's response.
He gets another term because he says he does... that's enough for him.

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