Is there a relevant place for Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump in Puppet Master & Immigrant Elon Musk's new administration?
Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump's so-called "mandate" crashes and burns by Republicans.They refuse to give him no debt ceiling so he can give unlimited tax credits to his billionaire donors. Meanwhile, Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump's Puppet Master, Elon Musk jumps for joy for the revised bill he demanded is less pages than the... See More » (1)
Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump takes the "Sidekick" title away from J D Vance and becomes the sidekick to Elon Musk
Is anyone fuller of himself than Elon Musk?By the way, most of his wealth comes from government subsidies, tax break, and market incentives.
I was terrorized and trapped into agreeing to go to the Company Christmas/Holiday party...I suspect I will be sorry and it may ruin my career-run, but I agreed to attend the office party. I'm not going to lie, I do feel like it's a small achievement, but now that I am committed the fear and panic is starting to erupt. I'm just not that... See More »
I'm not one to praise Boy-Lindsay Graham, but he's right about all the mineral wealth that can be gained by continuing to support Ukraine.If not for the moral victory, the mineral rights and wealth makes the investment more than worthwhile. Why should Russia get that?
Puppet Master Elon Musk and Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump whine a governmen shutdown is the Democrats fault. Are they dumb?The Republicans are in the majority. Didn't they just take credit for having a "mandate?"
Jeff Bezos was a guest for dinner of Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump so he could bestow gifts of praise...and Puppet Master Elon forced himself in as a third at the dinner table. Nothing in Cry-Baby-trump world happens without Elon. They are the power couple... Elonald. It appears Bezos is choosing to learn the hard way that... See More »
Will Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump and his puppet master Elon Musk start merging their names like couple-celebrities often do? Elonald...?
Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump and his puppet master, Elon Musk, team up to shut down the government.
What is the threshold for "the base" to stop claiming Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump's "next" failure isn't his fault?Who is more of a pathetic spectacle... them or him?
Perhaps Immigrant-Who-Purchased-USA-Presidency Elon Musk is an idiot savant and Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump thinks that means "genius."
Billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook (Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump calls him Tim Apple) are showing how shallow they really are.It's disappointing because I used to look up to them. Now, not so much.
I am beginning to think part of my struggle (I guess you can say) is I don't know what to say or how to react in most purely social situations.
If offered, should I accept the position of Speaker of the House in opposition to the maga idea of Immigrant-who-purchased-the-presidency Elon Musk?
Immigrant buyer of the USA presidency demonstrates how he will (fantasy-)eliminate waste from the federal government...With an attaboy from Greg Abbot, president-acting Elon Musk lambasts Congress for allowing the Federal Government to build a new football stadium in Washington, D.C. Congress is not funding a new football stadium. Elon's fantasy is all based on... See More »
DA in Georgia is removed from election interference case against Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump. She had a strong case and blew it.
The progression of support from Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump. The Mike Johnson edition:"Mike is doing a great job." "I support Mike Johnson. He's doing a fantastic job." "Do I have confidence in Mike Johnson? We'll see."
LA Times owner calls for giving a rest to reporting on the "Incompetence Team" Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump is trying to assemble.Does he really think he's going to gain favour from Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump?
Is there anyone who knows so little while acting like he knows everything like (president) Elon Musk? And, he's an immigrant.
Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump confesses he wants to raise the debt ceiling... but he wants Joe Biden to do it before he takes office.