I was misidentified and subjected to intolerable conditions... by a little kidI was in line at the checkout counter and some kid was chatting it up with me. I didn't really appreciate it, but that was okay, I guess When his mother who was in front of me asked him what he was doing, he said he was just talking to someone,... See More »
When does, "I signed the Executive Order to illegally deport people I don't like" = "Marco Rubio did it?"
I hate when I am talking to someone and someone that person knows walks by and out of nowhere I get introduced to that new person. It's so random.I never know what to say because I am not expecting to get introduced to someone new who I don't know. It's borderline rude and it catches me off-guard. I don't think that is social anxiety or anything like that. It's literally disrespectful. I... See More »
Cry-Baby-trump praised his son, Barron, for knowing how to turn on a computer: "He has an unbelievable aptitude in technology."
"Inflation is transitory.."Biden Administration said "inflation is transitory" as it was coming down. Cry-Baby-trump administration says, "inflation is transitory" as it is rising.
Remember how cool "The Red Hats" thought it was to watch cans of Bud Light getting blown up? Now, they seem upset Teslas are getting blown up. Why?Owning "The Red Hats" is just the start... Opposition to maga is growing. "F" the NRA. "F" Elon.
What is the fascination that people have with meetings: Staff meetings, update meetings, team meetings, project status meetings...?I am as much into communication as the next person, but I am drowning in all the meetings lately. Surprisingly, that's not my preferred method of communicating... sitting around a table in a conference room and having to listen to people drone on and... See More »
Which is more egregious: Cry-Baby-trump encouraging genocide or hawking Teslas on the White House lawn?
Are the people who are protesting Tesla dealer locations, adding graffiti to Tesla charging stations, and calling for Tesla bans a loving crowd?If you watch videos of the protestors, you would think it was any normal consumer day.
As Elon cries about Tesla's reputation, stock price, and sales plummeting is he trying to take over the "Cry-Baby" title from Cry-Baby-trump?
I hate when people think I don't know how to socialize...I was reading a sign-up flyer on the wall in the mailroom about a group hiking event. That flat-chested woman with a girlish (nervous) giggle came by, saw me reading it, and said, "Oh, you should sign up. I know that would be hard for you, but it... See More »
Who needs a working economy when you can get plastic straws and be assured the USA President is selecting talent for the stage of the Kennedy Center?
Which is more of a fraud: Elon Musk is finding massive amounts of waste and fraud or that he is as intelligent as Cry-Baby-trump and he claim he is?
As Cry-Baby-trump turns the world against the USA, Marco Rubio gets the LITTLE red carpet treatment in Quebec. Welcome to Canada, Little Marco...Just a little used square for you... (1)
I took the bus today and was literally cornered into a random conversation without a means for escape, so I had to "eject."I got on the bus, took my seat and the person in front and the person to the side of me were engaged in a conversation. The guy next to me smiled at me and before I knew tried to drag me into the conversation. They were talking about cycle racing and... See More »
Who is more desperate...?Elon Musk needing Cry-Baby-trump* to pitch Tesla cars ("for only $35,000 if you buy it now") or Cry-Baby-trump who needs a cash infusion ($100 M) from Elon Musk? * Doesn't drive, on record for "hating EV cars."
Is Elon Musk building a Ponzi scheme by claiming fictitious savings, grabbing the money through government contracts,only for the American public to find there never were any savings and he has taken their money, Bernie Madoff style?
I have no problem in professional meetings, but once things turn personal my brain shuts off. That's a problem.I was in a staff meeting where everyone went around the table giving an update on what they are working on. No problem and it was interesting to hear about some of the other projects. Then, somehow, for some (unknown) reason things became personal... See More »
The first time around with Cry-Baby-trump, it took a disease to destroy the economy. This time, Cry-Baby-trump is the disease. Vaccine, anyone?
Elon Musk tells US Park Rangers their work isn't honourable or worth it and that Astronaut Mark Kelly is a traitor. What is Elon Musk?
I was in favour of Trudeau NOT stepping down, but Carney is a good second choice. He will give Cry-Baby-trump a fatal run for his (stolen) money.