What singers or bands did you listen to as a teen? PINNEDSo for me back in the 2000's, it was... Avril Lavigne Kelly Clarkson Tears For Fears Saliva Duran Duran Heart Justin Timberlake Backstreet Boys Nirvana A*Teens Bon Jovi Coldplay
If someone asks you in 25 years from now what the COVID pandemic was like...How will you explain it to them?
What are some song lyrics that you've misheard over the years?In Kyrie by Mr. Mister they say, "Kyrie Eleison through the road that I must travel". But when I was a kid I thought they said, "Carry a laser through the road that I must travel". 😂
Who is one of the best fictional villains of all time, in your opinion?Le Chiffre in Casino Royale (2006). (1)
Ugh, I need some wine.I have enough on my mind as it is and, the last thing I need to be stressed about is the presidential election here in the U.S.
Well that was interesting, and a bit awkward.I was waiting to get an oil change and brakes checked today for my car, and this lady sitting by me who looked to be around my age, kept checking out my feet 🤔. It wouldn't have been surprising if it was a guy, but a lady, though 🤔.
Kitchen safety is is very important.But no matter what you do, mistakes and accidents can happen that will make you feel like a idiot. Like a glass baking dish shattering inside your oven.
Oh boy. I try to refrain from talking about politics, but...But the people who are already doubting Kamala Harris before she even campaigns, are probably the same ones who predicted the "Red Wave" two years ago for the 2022 Midterm elections. And we remember how that turned out, right?
Call me crazy, but...Do you think this outage affecting Microsoft may have been planned? The fact that it's not just an outrage, but a sudden global outage, just has me wondering 🤔.
So our governor here in Michigan, declared a state of emergency yesterday...And the NWS had also issued a tornado emergency, first time in the history of the state. (3)
What's something that you can't really eat anymore, for whatever reason?As we age, our tastes change and our body might no longer tolerate certain things that we enjoyed when we were younger.
What kinds of shoes do you usually wear?For work I wear these: Outside of work I wear these: And these when the weather is nice enough: (4)
Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I'm still into professional wrestling.Did you guys know I've been watching it since 11 years old, 1999? 😂
I cannot believe, that I just recently started playing GTA V for the first time ever.Trevor Phillips is absolutely insane 🤣.
Oh my God. My stomach digests so freaking loud, and it's embarrassing.That's IBS for you, folks. I'm trying to find out what my biggest trigger foods are.
Where were you during the Great Recession, 15 years ago?First of all, I can't believe it's been 15 years. I was a college student studying Nursing, which was already hard enough as it was. I remember some students worried that they might have had to take a semester off, or drop out of school all together.
The day after Christmas has kind of a strange feeling.I was leaving for work and a couple of my neighbors were already putting away their outdoor Christmas decorations, and the radio stations I listen in the car to had gone back to their normal playlists like they usually do. I guess the best way I... See More »