How much should I regret my mistakes?Sometimes I feel guilty about not feeling too guilty about my mistakes. I make mistakes often, but sometimes I tend to make light of them like they're not a big deal. Feeling haunted by my mistakes all the time, is that the right way to feel? Or is... See More »
Haven't posted in awhileI feel like I'm a totally different human since last time. How much have you changed in the past year or two?
Kitchen safety is is very important.But no matter what you do, mistakes and accidents can happen that will make you feel like a idiot. Like a glass baking dish shattering inside your oven.
I like thisIf milk gets bad, it becomes yogurt. Yogurt is more valuable than milk. If it gets even worse, it turns to cheese. Cheese is more valuable than both yoghurt and milk. And if grape juice turns sour, it transforms into wine, which is even more... See More » (1)
Have you ever been successful at convincing someone to stop doing something bad?I'm afraid someone I care about is going to run into trouble one day.